
one of +复数名词造句(甄选50句)

1. One of the复数名词 is the "薄膜"。

2. One of the best ways to learn new languages is to practice speaking it.

3. One of the greatest achievements in science is the development of the internet.

4. One of the most important things in life is to have a positive attitude.

5. One of the major challenges facing the world today is climate change.

6. One of the most famous historical figures in the United States is George Washington.

7. One of the most popular music genres comes from the country of Denmark.

8. One of the most successful businesspeople in the world is Jeff Bezos.

9. One of the most valuable things we can learn in life are the lessons from others.

10. One of the most important organs in the body is the brain.

11. One of the most significant achievements in medical science is the development of vaccines.

12. One of the most interesting places to visit in the world is Italy.

13. One of the most important ethical principles to consider in business is honesty.

one of +复数名词造句

14. One of the most significant contributions to society by a woman is the development of the不管闲事 movement.

15. One of the most important skills to learn in life is how to be self-reliant.

16. One of the most significant political figures in modern history is Angela Merkel.

17. One of the most influential philosophers in the Western world is Aristotle.

18. One of the most popular tourist destinations in the United Kingdom is Buckingham Palace.

19. One of the most important environmental issues facing the world today is the destruction of rainforests.

20. One of the most famous and influential rock musicians in the world is披头士乐队。

21. One of the most important scientific discoveries of the past century is the internet.

one of +复数名词造句

22. One of the most influential artists in the history of music is Beethoven.

23. One of the most important cultural institutions in the world is the Louvre Museum in Paris.

one of +复数名词造句

24. One of the most famous examples of the principle of non-violence is the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.

25. One of the most significant events in world history was the outbreak of World War II.

26. One of the most important figures in American history is Thomas Jefferson.

27. One of the most influential leaders in the history of business was Steve Jobs.

28. One of the most important spiritual traditions in the world is Buddhism.

29. One of the most famous pop songs of all time is "I Will Survive".

30. One of the most significant figures in world literature is William Shakespeare.

31. One of the most important figures in American politics is Ronald Reagan.

32. One of the most influential conspiracy theories of the past century is the idea of a government conspiracy to control the world.

33. One of the most famous and influential musicians in the history of rock music is Queen.

34. One of the most important figures in world history is孔子。

35. One of the most famous and influential authors in the history of literature is Dante Alighieri。

36. One of the most important discoveries in the scientific field in the past century was the development of DNA。

37. One of the most famous and influential athletes in the history of track and field is Usain Bolt。

38. One of the most important figures in American history is Benjamin Franklin。

39. One of the most famous and influential leaders in the history of music is Bob Dylan。

40. One of the most significant figures in world history is Napoleon Bonaparte。

41. One of the most famous and influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy is Plato。

42. One of the most important figures in American politics is Harry S. Truman。

43. One of the most famous and influential musicians in the history of classical music is Mozart。

44. One of the most important figures in American history is Elizabeth Cady Stanton。

45. One of the most famous and influential authors in the history of science is Galileo Galilei。

one of +复数名词造句

46. One of the most important figures in world history is Marie Curie。

47. One of the most famous and influential artists in the history of modern art is Pablo Picasso。

48. One of the most important figures in American history is George Washington。

49. One of the most famous and influential leaders in the history of civil rights运动的是马丁·路德·金。

50. One of the most significant figures in world history is Genghis Khan。