

1. In front of the school, there is a big tree.

2. I like to sit under the tree in front of my house.

3. The teacher always stands in front of the class to teach us.

4. My sister and I like to play hide and seek in front of the house.

5. The dog always barks loudly in front of the living room.

6. My parents always have a meeting with the doctor in front of the hospital.

7. The teacher always gives a lecture in front of the whole class.

8. My little brother and I like to draw together in front of the painting.

9. The sun always rises in the east in front of the sky.

10. My favorite color is blue, because it reminds me of the ocean.

11. I always have a headache in front of my brain.

12. The book is too heavy for me to carry it in front of my house.

13. My dog always runs to me when I'm standing in front of the park.

14. The teacher always reminds us to study hard in front of the exam.

15. My parents always have a big family meeting in front of the kitchen.

16. The flowers in the garden look beautiful in front of the wall.


17. I always have a smile on my face when I'm in front of my best friends.

18. The baby always cries out loud in front of its mother.

19. My little sister and I like to play together in front of the park.

20. The teacher always has to prepare for the lesson in front of the class.

21. The computer always helps me to finish my homework in front of my bed.


22. My parents always have a conflict with each other in front of the living room.

23. The dog always jumps up to greet me when I'm standing in front of the door.

24. My little brother and I like to build together in front of the LEGOs.

25. The teacher always encourages us to be honest and brave in front of the class.

26. The sun always sets in the west in front of the sky.

27. I always have a book to read when I'm waiting for the bus in front of the stop.

28. My parents always have a big argument in front of the living room.

29. The baby always needs to be fed and changed in front of its mother.

30. My little sister and I like to have a picnic in front of the park.

31. The teacher always has to explain the lesson again in front of the class if they didn't get it right.

32. The computer always helps me to learn new things in front of my bed.

33. My parents always have a hard time to make decisions in front of the family meeting.

34. The dog always barks loudly when it sees me in front of the house.

35. I always have a headache when I'm standing in front of the computer.

36. My little brother and I like to create together in front of the art supplies.

37. The teacher always reminds us to respect each other in front of the class.

38. The sun always rises in the morning in front of the sky.

39. I always have a smile on my face when I'm walking in front of the park.


40. My parents always have a big conflict with each other in front of the family meeting.

41. The baby always cries out loud when it's hungry.

42. My little sister and I like to jump rope in front of the park.

43. The teacher always has to prepare for the test in front of the class.

44. The computer always helps me to finish my homework faster.

45. My parents always have a big argument in front of the living room.

46. The dog always jumps up to greet me when I'm standing in front of the bus stop.


47. I always have a headache when I'm standing in front of the mirror.

48. My little brother and I like to color together in front of the painting.

49. The teacher always encourages us to keep trying in front of the class.

50. The baby always poops in its diaper when it needs to be changed.