

1. The teacher stood in front of the class.

2. The sun rises in the east.

3. The dog is running in front of its owner.

4. The cat is curled up in front of the fireplace.

5. The child is playing in front of the tree.

6. The flowers bloom in front of the garden.


7. The man is standing in front of the door.

8. The car is parked in front of the store.

9. The child is crawling in front of the furniture.

10. The dog is barking in front of its owner.


11. The man is reading a book in front of the beach.

12. The boy is playing baseball in front of the playground.

13. The bird is flying in front of the sky.

14. The car is parked in front of the hotel.

15. The woman is cooking in front of the stove.

16. The man is taking a shower in front of the bathroom.

17. The child is playing with toys in front of the living room.

18. The dog is running through the park in front of its owner.

19. The sun sets in the west.

20. The man is walking his dog in front of the park.

21. The woman is doing housework in front of the kitchen.

22. The child is playing in the park in front of their parents.

23. The dog is running around in front of its owner.

24. The sun rises in the morning.

25. The woman is cleaning in front of the bathroom.

26. The child is drawing in front of the art class.

27. The man is watching a video in front of the TV.

28. The dog is barking at the mailman in front of the house.

29. The woman is shopping for groceries in front of the market.

30. The child is playing with their toys in front of the living room.

31. The man is fixing his car in front of the garage.

32. The sun sets in the afternoon.

33. The woman is making a salad in front of the table.


34. The child is playing in the park in front of their parents.

35. The dog is running through the park in front of its owner.

36. The sun rises in the east at dawn.

37. The woman is doing laundry in front of the washing machine.

38. The child is reading a book in front of the table.

39. The man is taking a walk in front of the park.

40. The dog is chasing a ball in front of their owner.

41. The woman is cooking dinner in front of the stove.

42. The child is playing dress-up in front of the mirror.

43. The man is checking his emails in front of the computer.

44. The dog is jumping in the air in front of its owner.


45. The woman is doing housework in front of the kitchen.

46. The child is playing with their cars in front of the toy car set.

47. The man is fixing his bike in front of the bike shop.

48. The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.

49. The woman is doing the grocery shopping in front of the shopping cart.

50. The child is playing with their friends in front of the park.