
丘吉尔演讲名言 英文(摘抄33句)

1. "Their future is in our hands."

2. "I am a very simple man, but I have a very simple way of expressing myself."

3. "I never said I was a great man, but I always believed that I could do something about it."

4. "You have to be a great deal stronger than you think to accomplish great things."

5. "The only way to achieve lasting peace is to try to understand the thoughts and feelings of those of the people on the other side."

6. "I believe that we are a global community, and that our actions have an impact not only on ourselves but on the entire world."

7. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

8. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

9. "I think that one of the greatest dangers of free trade is that it can lead to the devaluation of national currencies."

10. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

11. "In the long run we must always remember that there are no shortcuts."

12. "The well-being of the nation is the highest authority."

丘吉尔演讲名言 英文

13. "I believe that we must never negotiate, ever! never!"

14. "The secret of success is to try to become the best version of yourself that you can be."

15. "I have studied many philosophers and I have read many great books, but I have learned something, I think, that all the rest have not."

16. "Success is not how high you have climbed, but how you help others to climb."

17. "I think that the温斯顿 chart is a very dangerous document. It is a list of all the people in the world, and I think that it is wrong to use it for any purpose."

18. "I believe that the problems of today are more difficult than the problems of tomorrow."

19. "I have never held a position of political power, and I have always tried to serve my country as much as I could."

20. "The only thing we have to lose is the fear that we must give up."

21. "I think that the English nation has a moral obligation to help the German nation."

22. "I believe that the best way to avoid the陷阱 of inflation is to have a sound and stable currency."

23. "The sun will rise tomorrow, not today."

24. "I am a very simple man, but I have a great sense of justice."

25. "I believe that the individual is as important as the group, and that the best progress can come from within."

26. "I think that the idea of a world government is a very dangerous idea."

27. "I believe that the best way to get a handle on things is to try to simplify them as much as possible."

28. "The only way to avoid the problems of the future is to prepare for them today."

29. "I think that the most important thing in life is to be a good person."

30. "I believe that the world is more peaceful and more loving than it used to be."

31. "I think that the nation's leaders have a great responsibility to protect its citizens."

32. "I believe that the only way to achieve true happiness is to appreciate the good in life and to try to improve the lives of others."

33. "I think that the most important thing in life is to be a good。