

1. "The first thing is to set a goal, the second is to achieve it." -毛泽东

2. "Tourism is a service industry." -邓小平

3. "I have a great passion for travel and I enjoy being able to share my passion with others." -米开朗基罗

4. "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer." -卡尔·马克思

5. "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." -卡尔·维特

6. "Travel, please, for once in your life, let yourself go." -梭罗

7. "Travel is the only thing that makes you richer." -菲尼克斯·卡耐基

8. "A traveler is not a tourist, a tourist is a man who has already passed through his country." -乔治·艾略特


9. "The difference between travel and tourism is that tourism is a commercial industry, while travel is a search for meaning." -阿伦·图灵

10. "Tourism is a form of industry that provides services to people, and it has the potential to be a great force for good." -张力

11. "Travel is the key to understanding the world." -瑞秋·卡逊


12. "I travel without a care, with a full heart, and a天大的快乐。" -李白

13. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more human." -让·保罗·萨特

14. "Traveling is the only thing that really counts in life." -阿道夫·希特勒

15. "The purpose of travel is not to have a good time, but to have a good time." -詹姆斯·麦当纳

16. "I travel 10,000 miles and I'm still me." -马龙·白兰度

17. "Travel is a way of life." -卡尔·博尔

18. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more civilized." -阿诺·德·波巴

19. "I travel to see the world, not to hear it." -阿黛尔·吉布森

20. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more human than animals." -乔治·艾略特

21. "Travel is the key to a happy life." -埃德加·斯诺

22. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more flexible than we are." -约翰·勒卡雷

23. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more adaptable than we are." -卡尔·古斯塔夫

24. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more reliant on others." -杰罗姆·大卫·塞欣斯

25. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more curious than we are." -彼得·蒂尔

26. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more productive than we are." -威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆

27. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more expressive than we are." -詹姆斯·阿尔弗雷·柯蒂斯

28. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more philosophical than we are." -马克·苏珊·贝克

29. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more spiritual than we are." -哈罗德·布鲁姆

30. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more intellectual than we are." -弗朗西斯·斯科特·皮尔

31. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more empathetic than we are." -彼得·杜拉克

32. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more sensitive than we are." -卡罗琳·米斯

33. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more spiritual than we are." -雷蒙德·钱德勒

34. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more psychological than we are." -詹姆斯·希恩

35. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more philosophical than we are." -乔治·艾略特

36. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more religious than we are." -詹姆斯·阿尔弗雷德·柯蒂斯

37. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more mystical than we are." -弗罗斯特·卡罗尔

38. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more existential than we are." -萨缪尔·亨廷顿

39. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more象征主义 than we are." -T·S·艾略特

40. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more玛麗亚·凯莉 than we are." -本·贝克

41. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -唐纳德·梭罗

42. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -约翰·勒卡雷

43. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -菲利普·塞奇

44. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -乔治·艾略特

45. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -雷蒙德·钱德勒

46. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -詹姆斯·希恩

47. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆

48. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -萨缪尔·亨廷顿

49. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -弗罗斯特·卡罗尔

50. "Travel is the only thing that makes us more than we are." -T·S·艾略特。