

1. The teacher gave the students a hard time.

2. The dog is good at finding lost items.

3. The new policy is good for the environment.

4. The customer service rep was very good at answering questions.

5. The chef cooked a delicious meal.

6. The computer is good for organizing files.

7. The doctor is good at treating illnesses.

8. The employee is good at managing projects.

9. The manager is good at leading a team.

10. The chef is good at creating unique dishes.

11. The teacher is good at explaining difficult concepts.

12. The student is good at solving complex equations.

13. The gym is good for getting in shape.

14. The artist is good at creating masterpieces.

15. The scientist is good at conducting experiments.

16. The driver is good at navigating through busy streets.


17. The market is good for finding unique products.

18. The editor is good at finding errors.

19. The musician is good at playing a variety of instruments.

20. The designer is good at creating visually appealing products.

21. The chef is good at using seasonal ingredients.

22. The doctor is good at diagnosing illnesses.

23. The customer service representative is good at resolving issues.

24. The engineer is good at fixing problems.

25. The musician is good at playing different genres of music.

26. The teacher is good at adapting to different learning styles.

27. The writer is good at crafting compelling stories.

28. The chef is good at using a variety of seasonings.

29. The scientist is good at using technology in research.

30. The driver is good at following traffic rules.

31. The market is good for finding unique clothing designs.


32. The editor is good at recognizing great writing.

33. The musician is good at playing complex pieces of music.


34. The chef is good at using local ingredients in recipes.

35. The engineer is good at designing and building complex systems.

36. The customer service representative is good at handling challenging situations.

37. The writer is good at exploring complex themes in their work.

38. The scientist is good at using data to support their arguments.

39. The driver is good at avoiding distractions on the road.


40. The market is good for finding unique craftsmanship.


41. The chef is good at using seasonal fruits and vegetables in recipes.

42. The engineer is good at creating innovative products.

43. The customer service representative is good at resolving disputes.

44. The writer is good at crafting engaging narrative.


45. The scientist is good at using critical thinking skills.

46. The driver is good at recognizing and following traffic signals.

47. The market is good for finding unique perspectives.

48. The chef is good at using a variety of cooking techniques.

49. The engineer is good at designing and building structures.

50. The customer service representative is good at providing excellent customer service.