
be good at造句(甄选50句)

1. She is good at math.

2. He is good at playing the guitar.

3. The boy is good at sports.

4. The teacher is good at teaching.

5. The student is good at studying.

6. She is good at cooking.

7. He is good at finding solutions.

8. The doctor is good at healing people.

9. The lawyer is good at arguing cases.

10. The editor is good at editing articles.

11. The musician is good at playing music.

12. The artist is good at creating masterpieces.

13. The writer is good at writing stories.

14. The computer programmer is good at coding software.

15. The scientist is good at conducting experiments.

16. The engineer is good at designing machines.

17. The politician is good at making speeches.

18. The translator is good at translating languages.

19. The belly dancer is good at entertaining audiences.

20. The choreographer is good at creating dance performances.

21. The gym teacher is good at helping people build muscles.

22. The fashion designer is good at creating stylish clothes.

23. The SEO specialist is good at optimizing websites for search engines.

24. The marketing manager is good at promoting products.

25. The HR manager is good at hiring and training employees.

26. The accountant is good at managing financial records.

27. The lawyer is good at negotiating contracts.

28. The doctor is good at explaining medical procedures.

29. The teacher is good at modeling in school events.

30. The musician is good at playing classical music.

31. The chef is good at creating delicious dishes.

32. The engineer is good at fixing broken machines.

33. The artist is good at creating unique works of art.

34. The writer is good at describing scenes in vivid detail.

be good at造句

35. The scientist is good at explaining complex scientific concepts.

36. The program manager is good at coordinating teams.

37. The fashion stylist is good at creating visually appealing outfits.

38. The belly dancing instructor is good at teaching the dance style.

39. The author is good at researching and writing about topics.

40. The web developer is good at building and maintaining websites.

41. The chef is good at using ingredients to create delicious dishes.

42. The politician is good at making informed decisions.

43. The transliterist is good at transcribing ancient texts.

44. The musician is good at playing jazz music.

45. The engineer is good at designing and building structures.

46. The artist is good at creating abstract art.

47. The teacher is good at using creative strategies to teach lessons.

48. The chef is good at using technology to improve cooking.

49. The scientist is good at using data to support theories.

50. The writer is good at using humor to convey messages.