
用be good at造句子简单(甄选50句)

1. She is good at math.

2. He is good at playing the guitar.

3. The boy is good at soccer.

4. The teacher is good at teaching.

5. The student is good at studying.

6. The young woman is good at cooking.

7. The old man is good at gardening.

8. The dog is good at running.

9. The cat is good at hunting.

10. The employee is good at organizing.

11. The musician is good at composing.

12. The doctor is good at healing.

13. The lawyer is good at negotiating.

14. The saleswoman is good at charming.

15. The sportsman is good at sports.

16. The artist is good at painting.

17. The writer is good at writing.

18. The researcher is good at research.

19. The businessman is good at business.

20. The musician is good at music.

用be good at造句子简单

21. The dancer is good at dance.

22. The人群中有一个儿童演员。

23. The chef is good at cooking.

24. The car mechanic is good at cars.

25. The doctor is good at patients.

26. The teacher is good at students.

27. The writer is good at words.

28. The engineer is good at engineering.

29. The farmer is good at farming.

30. The salesman is good at selling.

用be good at造句子简单

31. The programmer is good at coding.

32. The designer is good at design.

33. The engineer is good at engineering.

34. The scientist is good at science.

用be good at造句子简单

35. The gym teacher is good at fitness.

36. The集美商业街以其拥有许多商店而闻名。

37. The程序员擅长编写计算机程序。

38. 医生擅长医治疾病。

39. The工程师的实验室常用到计算机辅助设计。

40. 音乐家善于演奏各种乐器。

41. 外语教师擅长教授外国语言。

42. The chef擅长烹制美食。

43. 这位老人擅长园艺。

44. The engineer has a strong passion for technology.

45. The musician's specialization is music composition.

46. The artist's medium is painting.

47. The lawyer is known for his negotiation skills.

48. The saleswoman has a talent for charm.

49. The sport of soccer is popular in many countries.

50. The doctor's main function is to heal the sick.