

1. English language proficiency is excellent.

2. The written English is fluent and clear.

3. The spoken English is natural and concise.


4. The language is used correctly and avoids errors.

5. The language is varied in sentence structures and vocabulary.

6. The writing is well-structured and easy to follow.

7. The language is used appropriately and shows effort to improve.

8. The written English demonstrates a good understanding of grammar rules.

9. The written English shows a good understanding of word order.

10. The written English is well-organized and coherent.

11. The written English uses a variety of sentence types to keep the reader engaged.

12. The written English demonstrates a good understanding of tone and tone.

13. The written English is written in a professional tone.

14. The written English is written in a clear and concise manner.

15. The written English is written using proper grammar.

16. The written English is written using a variety of vocabulary.

17. The written English is written in a natural way.

18. The written English is written avoiding unnecessary words.

19. The written English is written showing effort to improve.

20. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of sentence structure.

21. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of word choice.

22. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of sentence complexity.

23. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of figurative language.

24. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of idioms.

25. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of phrasal verbs.

26. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of reported speech.

27. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of indirect speech.

28. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of mixed tenses.

29. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of passive voice.

30. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of active voice.

31. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the present perfect tense.

32. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the past perfect tense.

33. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the future perfect tense.

34. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect continuous tense.

35. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect perfect continuous tense.

36. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect past tense.

37. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect past tense.

38. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect将来时态。

39. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present perfect将来时态。

40. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the simple present tense.

41. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the compound present tense.

42. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the present perfect tense.

43. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the past tense.

44. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the past perfect tense.

45. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the future tense.

46. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of the future perfect tense.

47. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of present tense agreement.

48. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of non-agreement.

49. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of word choice.

50. The written English is written demonstrating a good understanding of sentence structure.