

1. Your English speaking skills are really impressive.

2. You have a natural talent for language.

3. Keep up the good work!

4. You are making progress.

5. You have a great smile.

6. Your pronunciation is excellent.

7. You speak with confidence.

8. Your grammar is correct.

9. You are using the right vocabulary.

10. Your intonation is very clear.

11. You have a good listening comprehension.

12. Your answers are thoughtful.

13. You are making a great effort.

14. Your questions are interesting.

15. You have a positive attitude.


16. You are a great learner.

17. Your pronunciation is even better than before.

18. You have a great sense of humor.

19. Your answers are clear and concise.

20. You are using the correct grammar structure.

21. You are making a great job.

22. Your answers are relevant to the question.

23. You are using a variety of vocabulary.

24. Your speaking skills are improving.

25. You have a good understanding of the topic.

26. You are using interesting intonation.

27. Your questions are thought-provoking.

28. You are making a good connection.

29. Your pronunciation is very good.

30. You have a great job of pronouncing.

31. You are using the correct vocabulary in context.

32. Your answers are well-organized.

33. You are making a great impression.

34. Your speaking voice is very clear.

35. You are a great communicator.


36. You are using appropriate body language.

37. Your questions are open-ended.

38. You are making a good use of time.

39. Your answers are detailed.

40. You are using creative expressions.

41. You are making a great job of it.

42. Your pronunciation is natural and flowing.

43. You have a good understanding of the language.

44. You are using interesting vocabulary to describe the topic.

45. Your answers are relevant to the situation.

46. You are making a great connection with the audience.

47. Your speaking skills are developing well.

48. You are using good grammar in your questions.

49. You are making a great effort.

50. Your answers are thoughtful and well-reasoned.