


1. The passage is well-written and easy to understand.

2. The author has successfully conveyed the main idea of the text.

3. The language used in the passage is proper and varied.

4. The passage is well-structured and easy to follow.

5. The author provides relevant examples to support the main idea.

6. The text is engaging and keeps the reader interested.

7. The author uses a variety of literary devices to add depth to the passage.

8. The passage is well-researched and provides useful information.

9. The author knows how to make the text both interesting and informative.

10. The passage is well-organized and easy to read.

11. The author effectively uses rhetorical devices to enhance the text.

12. The passage is well-written and free of errors.

13. The author knows how to create a sense of suspense in the text.

14. The passage is well-structured and has a clear outline.

15. The author uses literary clues to develop the story.

16. The passage is well-researched and provides accurate information.

17. The author knows how to convey the mood of the text through language.

18. The passage is well-written and engaging.

19. The author effectively uses dialogue to reveal character.

20. The passage is well-structured and easy to follow.

21. The author uses descriptive language to paint a vivid picture.

22. The passage is well-researched and provides interesting insights.

23. The author knows how to create suspenseful moments in the text.

24. The passage is well-structured and has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

25. The author uses figurative language to add depth to the text.

26. The passage is well-written and easy to read.

27. The author knows how to use alliteration and assonance to make the text more interesting.

28. The passage is well-researched and provides valuable information.

29. The author knows how to create a sense of wonder in the text.

30. The passage is well-structured and has a clear organization.

31. The author uses repetition and rhetorical devices to add interest to the text.

32. The passage is well-written and engaging.

33. The author knows how to convey the tone of the text through language.

34. The passage is well-researched and provides accurate information.

35. The author uses literary devices to create a vivid picture.

36. The passage is well-structured and easy to follow.

37. The author uses descriptive language to make the text more interesting.

38. The passage is well-researched and provides interesting insights.

39. The author knows how to create suspenseful situations in the text.

40. The passage is well-structured and has a clear beginning, middle, and end.

41. The author uses figurative language to add depth to the text.

42. The passage is well-written and easy to read.

43. The author knows how to use alliteration and assonance to make the text more interesting.

44. The passage is well-researched and provides valuable information.

45. The author knows how to create a sense of wonder in the text.

46. The passage is well-structured and has a clear organization.

47. The author uses repetition and rhetorical devices to add interest to the text.

48. The passage is well-written and engaging.

49. The author knows how to convey the tone of the text through language.

50. The passage is well-researched and provides interesting insights.