

1. "The life is but a trance upon this world." - Act 1, Scene 2

2. "I have no ambition, but to enjoy a little reputation." - Act 4, Scene 1

3. "Things base and vile, folding no quantity, love abounding." - Act 4, Scene 2

4. "What a piece of work is a man! How best to订

5. "Ay, there's the rub; 'tis hard to know what is meant." - Act 4, Scene 3

6. "I have no reason to love a woman." - Act 4, Scene 3

7. "In my mind's eye, every one lives but for himself." - Act 4, Scene 3

8. "For love, the world sails, not滑, who makes his way by sea." - Act 4, Scene 3

9. "I'm not a very wise man, but I'm willing to learn." - Act 4, Scene 3

10. "In this world, nothing is ever what it seems." - Act 4, Scene 3

11. "I'm not what I seem." - Act 4, Scene 3

12. "What a piece of work is a man! How best to order his life and fit it to his nature." - Act 4, Scene 3

13. "It is apropos that I should grow old tomorrow." - Act 4, Scene 3

14. "There's the wind that will carry us on." - Act 4, Scene 3

15. "The only way to do great things is to love something for ourselves." - Act 4, Scene 3

16. "I am a very foolish fondler." - Act 4, Scene 3

17. "Inconsiderate and hard-hearted man, I fear thee not." - Act 4, Scene 3

18. "I have no love for money, neither for glory." - Act 4, Scene 3

19. "What a base and vile pleasure is there, to make us love, to give us life, and to take away our chance to be happy!" - Act 4, Scene 2

20. "The life is but a stumbling-block on the way to the grave." - Act 1, Scene 2

21. "The fault, not in either man, but in woman." - Act 4, Scene 2

22. "I have no desire to live a long life." - Act 4, Scene 2

23. "Therefore, I am not a very good man, I say so." - Act 4, Scene 2

24. "I am a very much cursed man." - Act 4, Scene 2

25. "I have a great opinion of myself, and nothing of others." - Act 4, Scene 2

26. "I'm not what I seem." - Act 4, Scene 2

27. "I am a very clever man." - Act 4, Scene 2

28. "In my mind, all that I am, I am a sorrow." - Act 4, Scene 2

29. "The life is but a painful dream." - Act 1, Scene 2

30. "I have a great mind to do great things." - Act 4, Scene 2

31. "I am a man of great ambition." - Act 4, Scene 2


32. "I have a heart of gold." - Act 4, Scene 2

33. "I am a very good man, I say so." - Act 4, Scene 2

34. "I have a great desire to live, to love, to be happy." - Act 4, Scene 2

35. "The only way to find yourself is to lose yourself." - Act 4, Scene 2

36. "I'm not a man to talk of." - Act 4, Scene 2

37. "I have a great mind to accomplish great things." - Act 4, Scene 2

38. "I have a great opinion of the world." - Act 4, Scene 2

39. "I am a man of great faith." - Act 4, Scene 2

40. "I have a great hope for the future." - Act 4, Scene 2

41. "I am a man of great kindness." - Act 4, Scene 2

42. "I have a great heart." - Act 4, Scene 2

43. "I am a man of great generosity." - Act 4, Scene 2

44. "I have a great sense of justice." - Act 4, Scene 2

45. "I have a great respect for the truth." - Act 4, Scene 2

46. "I have a great passion for life." - Act 4, Scene 2


47. "I am a man of great curiosity." - Act 4, Scene 2

48. "I have a great desire to help others." - Act 4, Scene 2

49. "I have a great sense of humor." - Act 4, Scene 2

50. "I am a man of great wisdom." - Act 4, Scene 2。