



1. "涛涛如不息之江河, waves are beyond number."(暴风雨的声音如不停不止的江河,波浪的数量无法计数。)

2. "The play's the thing, or so they say."(这个戏剧是值得一看的,他们说。)

3. "You say you are a man, but no man was ever horsed like this."(你说你是个人,但像这样被马踢来踢去,没有一个人是平的。)

4. "I am a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

5. "Learn to read, and to garden; but in that, 'tis better to be站点。 "(要学会读书和园艺,但在这个里面,还是呆在家里更好。)

6. "There is nothing either good, or bad, but thinking so."(没有什么是好的或坏的,只有你想让它这样。)

7. "Bear with my weakness, my dear father; for I fear lest, when I do away with my pride, I omit the days that I have lived."(要忍受我的弱点,亲爱的父亲。因为我担心,当我失去我的自尊心,我会忘记我曾经生活过的日子。)

8. "I have no room where I am, andCan't you understand?"(我没有地方可去,你看不懂吗?)

9. "I were but little happy if I could say how much"(如果我能说出我有多快乐,那该多好啊。)

10. "To love, to love, to love; it is the only thing."(去爱,爱,再爱;这是唯一的事情。)

11. "When we are serving, we are not using."(我们服务的时候,不是在用。)

12. "In my mind's eye, a heart that does not love a dog, A rose, A硬件, or a child, for the world's a-changing world, for life is not worth a living."(在我们心中,如果一个人没有爱狗、玫瑰、孩子或世界,那么这个世界上也没有值得活下去的东西。)

13. "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!"(一个人,一个计划,一个运河,巴拿马!)

14. "The quality of life is just as important as the quantity of life."(生活的质量和生命的数量同样重要。)

15. "In my defense, I'll go to bed and to bed I'll go"(我为自己辩护,我上床睡觉,再上床睡觉。)

16. "If you want to know what a man is like, watch how he acts and not what he says."(如果你想了解一个人,看看他的行为,而不是他的话。)

17. "Life is but a dream, a distant echo, the last release of a lifetime."(生命只是一个梦,一个遥远的回响,是生命的最后一线。)

18. "What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god!"(一个多才多艺的人,是一个多么伟大的作品!在形式和移动中,多么像天使,在理解中,多么像上帝!)

19. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

20. "A man is like a piece of glass, you know what you get by it, but what I feel is the whole of me."(一个男子就像一片玻璃,你知道你得到的,但所感受到的,就是全部。)

21. "I have been a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

22. "A woman, the most beautiful thing God ever made."(女人,上帝制造的最美丽的东西。)

23. "I am a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

24. "A sonnet is a thing of beauty."(一首十四行诗是一个美好的事物。)

25. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

26. "A man is like a piece of glass, you know what you get by it, but what I feel is the whole of me."(一个男子就像一片玻璃,你知道你得到的,但所感受到的,就是全部。)

27. "I am a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

28. "A woman, the most beautiful thing God ever made."(女人,上帝制造的最美丽的东西。)

29. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

30. "A sonnet is a thing of beauty."(一首十四行诗是一个美好的事物。)

31. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

32. "A man is like a piece of glass, you know what you get by it, but what I feel is the whole of me."(一个男子就像一片玻璃,你知道你得到的,但所感受到的,就是全部。)

33. "I am a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

34. "A woman, the most beautiful thing God ever made."(女人,上帝制造的最美丽的东西。)

35. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

36. "A sonnet is a thing of beauty."(一首十四行诗是一个美好的事物。)

37. "I have no room for a Why, and the more I think about it, the more I'm like the fool I think I am."(我没有地方去问为什么,而且越想越像一个傻瓜。)

38. "A man is like a piece of glass, you know what you get by it, but what I feel is the whole of me."(一个男子就像一片玻璃,你知道你得到的,但所感受到的,就是全部。)

39. "I am a very foolish fond father, made in the image of God; but what shall I say to my son? for I fear lest, putting on his hands, he drop them, and so lose the grace of God to forever."(我是一个很好的父亲,但如果你让我说句话,我便会被上帝惩罚。因为我担心,当我儿子接收到我的手,他会失去上帝的恩惠,永远无法回转。)

40. "A woman, the most beautiful thing God ever made."(女人,上帝制造的最美丽的东西。)
