1. able body
2. able to do
3. able to finish
4. able to walk
5. able to talk
6. able to read
7. able to write
8. able to compute
9. able to sing
10. able to dance
11. able to play
12. able to draw
13. able to paint
14. able to write letters
15. able to tell time
16. able to set a clock
17. able to use a telephone
18. able to understand Spanish
19. able to communicate with others
20. able to teach
21. able to learn
22. able to remember
23. able to write down
24. able to copy
25. able to paste
26. able to search the internet
27. able to access email
28. able to send email
29. able to receive email
30. able to make a phone call
31. able to answer a phone call
32. able to hold a conversation
33. able to ask questions
34. able to give opinions
35. able to make decisions
36. able to solve problems
37. able to work
38. able to study
39. able to read a book
40. able to write a paper
41. able to take an exam
42. able to pass a test
43. able to complete a task
44. able to fulfill a requirement
45. able to write a recommendation
46. able to give a recommendation
47. able to write a letter of recommendation
48. able to explain a concept
49. able to provide an example
50. able to make a presentation。