

1. His English pronunciation improved a lot after practicing with a native speaker.

2. She has a good command of spoken English, but her accent is a bit thick.

3. His vowel sounds are quite clear, but he needs to work on his consonants.

4. The girl's accent is quite standard, and her pronunciation is quite accurate.

5. His spoken English is quite fluent, but there are some grammatical errors here and there.

6. She speaks English with a natural flow, but her enunciation could be improved.

7. His pronunciation of certain words is a bit off, but overall he does a good job.

8. The man's accent is quite strong, but he's still understandable.

9. She has a good grasp of English pronunciation, and her enunciation is quite clear.

10. His pronunciation of long words is quite impressive, but he struggles with shorter phrases.

11. The girl's pronunciation of certain vowel sounds is a bit off.

12. The boy's spoken English is quite good, with only a slight hint of a regional accent.

13. His pronunciation is quite accurate, with a good grasp of intonation and rhythm.

14. The woman's accent is quite distinct, but her pronunciation is quite clear.

15. His pronunciation of certain consonant sounds is a bit off.

16. The girl's pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

17. The man's pronunciation is quite fluent, with a good range of vocabulary.

18. She has a good command of English pronunciation, and her pronunciation is quite natural.

19. His pronunciation of certain words is quite repetitive.

20. The woman's pronunciation is quite precise, with a good understanding of pronunciation rules.

21. The boy's pronunciation is quite clear, with a good range of intonation.

22. His pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

23. The girl's pronunciation is quite accurate, with a good grasp of pronunciation techniques.

24. The man's pronunciation is quite natural, with a good range of vocabulary.

25. She has a good command of English pronunciation, and her pronunciation is quite clear.

26. His pronunciation is quite consistent, with a good range of intonation.

27. The girl's pronunciation is quite fluent, with a good understanding of pronunciation rules.

28. The boy's pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

29. His pronunciation is quite good, with a good range of vocabulary.

30. The woman's pronunciation is quite precise, with a good understanding of pronunciation techniques.

31. The man's pronunciation is quite natural, with a good range of intonation.

32. She has a good command of English pronunciation, and her pronunciation is quite clear.

33. His pronunciation is quite consistent, with a good range of intonation.

34. The girl's pronunciation is quite fluent, with a good understanding of pronunciation rules.

35. The boy's pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

36. His pronunciation is quite good, with a good range of vocabulary.

37. The woman's pronunciation is quite precise, with a good understanding of pronunciation techniques.

38. The man's pronunciation is quite natural, with a good range of intonation.


39. She has a good command of English pronunciation, and her pronunciation is quite clear.

40. His pronunciation is quite consistent, with a good range of intonation.

41. The girl's pronunciation is quite fluent, with a good understanding of pronunciation rules.


42. The boy's pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

43. His pronunciation is quite good, with a good range of vocabulary.

44. The woman's pronunciation is quite precise, with a good understanding of pronunciation techniques.

45. The man's pronunciation is quite natural, with a good range of intonation.

46. She has a good command of English pronunciation, and her pronunciation is quite clear.


47. His pronunciation is quite consistent, with a good range of intonation.

48. The girl's pronunciation is quite fluent, with a good understanding of pronunciation rules.

49. The boy's pronunciation is quite good, with only a few minor errors.

50. His pronunciation is quite good, with a good range of vocabulary.