

1. Great job! Keep up the good work.

2. You read with such clarity and accuracy.

3. It was a pleasure to listen to your reading.

4. Your pronunciation needs improvement.

5. You read with a good pace.

6. It would be helpful if you could vary your intonation.

7. Your voice is a bit monotone.

8. You need to pay more attention to your body language.


9. Your reading was a bit flat.

10. You have a good way of using tone to convey meaning.

11. It would be helpful if you could work on your intonation more.

12. Your reading was a bit slow.

13. You need to pay more attention to your breath.

14. Your reading was a bit stilted.

15. You have a good way of using inflection to add emphasis.

16. It would be helpful if you could vary your volume.

17. Your reading was a bit too loud.

18. You need to pay more attention to your surroundings.


19. Your reading was a bit disconnected from the text.

20. You have a good way of using word choice to add depth to your reading.

21. It would be helpful if you could work on your timing.


22. Your reading was a bit off-beat.

23. You need to pay more attention to your posture.

24. Your reading was a bit flat-footed.

25. You have a good way of using your hands to emphasize certain words.

26. It would be helpful if you could vary your pace.


27. Your reading was a bit too fast.

28. You need to pay more attention to your breathing.

29. Your reading was a bit too shallow.

30. You have a good way of using emphasis to draw the reader in.

31. It would be helpful if you could work on your intonation and pronunciation.

32. Your reading was a bit too monotone.

33. You need to pay more attention to the rhythm of your reading.

34. Your reading was a bit too slow.

35. You have a good way of using word choice to add variety to your reading.

36. It would be helpful if you could vary your volume and tone.

37. Your reading was a bit too disconnected from the text.

38. You have a good way of using physical movement to add depth to your reading.

39. It would be helpful if you could work on your timing and pacing.

40. Your reading was a bit too flat.

41. You have a good way of using inflection to add depth and emotion to your reading.

42. It would be helpful if you could vary your intonation and pronunciation.

43. Your reading was a bit too slow.

44. You need to pay more attention to your posture.

45. Your reading was a bit too disconnected from the audience.

46. You have a good way of using your hands to emphasize certain words.

47. It would be helpful if you could vary your pace and tone.

48. Your reading was a bit too shallow.

49. You have a good way of using word choice to add depth and meaning to your reading.

50. It would be helpful if you could work on your timing and pronunciation.