

1. 错误:The meeting was a complete failure.(会议完全失败。)

纠正:The meeting was a complete failure.(会议完全失败。)

2. 错误:I have no idea how to make a cake.(我不知道该怎么做蛋糕。)

纠正:I have no idea how to make a cake.(我不知道该怎么做蛋糕。)

3. 错误:The movie was a waste of time.(这部电影是浪费时间的。)

纠正:The movie was a waste of time.(这部电影是浪费时间的。)

4. 错误:He gave a detailed explanation of the issue.(他给出了对问题的详细解释。)

纠正:He gave a detailed explanation of the issue.(他给出了对问题的详细解释。)

5. 错误:The store has a wide range of products.(这家商店有各种各样的产品。)

纠正:The store has a wide range of products.(这家商店有各种各样的产品。)

6. 错误:I'm going to meet a friend for lunch.(我要去吃午饭见一个朋友。)

纠正:I'm going to meet a friend for lunch.(我要去吃午饭见一个朋友。)

7. 错误:The report was based on a study of 100 people.(报告是基于对100人的研究。)

纠正:The report was based on a study of 100 people.(报告是基于对100人的研究。)

8. 错误:The company has a strong financial position.(这家公司有强大的财务地位。)

纠正:The company has a strong financial position.(这家公司有强大的财务地位。)

9. 错误:The chef is known for his ability to create delicious dishes.(这位厨师以制作美味佳肴而闻名。)

纠正:The chef is known for his ability to create delicious dishes.(这位厨师以制作美味佳肴而闻名。)

10. 错误:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

纠正:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

11. 错误:The hospital has a well-equipped medical center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的医疗中心。)

纠正:The hospital has a well-equipped medical center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的医疗中心。)

12. 错误:The computer is compatible with most software.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数软件。)

纠正:The computer is compatible with most software.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数软件。)

13. 错误:The chef cooked a delicious meal for us.(这位厨师为我们做了一顿美味的大餐。)

纠正:The chef cooked a delicious meal for us.(这位厨师为我们做了一顿美味的大餐。)


14. 错误:The store has a great selection of clothes.(这家商店有很棒的服装选择。)

纠正:The store has a great selection of clothes.(这家商店有很棒的服装选择。)

15. 错误:The editor reviewed the manuscript carefully.(编辑仔细审查了稿件。)

纠正:The editor reviewed the manuscript carefully.(编辑仔细审查了稿件。)

16. 错误:The company has a long history of success.(这家公司历史悠久,一直取得成功。)

纠正:The company has a long history of success.(这家公司历史悠久,一直取得成功。)

17. 错误:The teacher gave a detailed explanation of the lesson.(老师详细解释了这节课的内容。)

纠正:The teacher gave a detailed explanation of the lesson.(老师详细解释了这节课的内容。)

18. 错误:The dog chased the cat across the yard.(狗在院子里追猫。)

纠正:The dog chased the cat across the yard.(狗在院子里追猫。)

19. 错误:The company has a policy of open communication.(这家公司实行开放沟通政策。)

纠正:The company has a policy of open communication.(这家公司实行开放沟通政策。)

20. 错误:The chef used a variety of spices to season the dish.(厨师使用了各种香料给这道菜调味。)

纠正:The chef used a variety of spices to season the dish.(厨师使用了各种香料给这道菜调味。)

21. 错误:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

纠正:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

22. 错误:The hospital has a well-equipped surgical center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的手术中心。)

纠正:The hospital has a well-equipped surgical center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的手术中心。)

23. 错误:The computer is compatible with most operating systems.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数操作系统。)

纠正:The computer is compatible with most operating systems.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数操作系统。)

24. 错误:The store has a great selection of books.(这家商店有很棒的书籍选择。)

纠正:The store has a great selection of books.(这家商店有很棒的书籍选择。)

25. 错误:The editor worked tirelessly to complete the project.(编辑为了完成这个项目,不辞辛劳地努力工作。)

纠正:The editor worked tirelessly to complete the project.(编辑为了完成这个项目,不辞辛劳地努力工作。)

26. 错误:The dog rushed to the door when he saw the stranger.(狗看到陌生人时,迅速跑向门口。)

纠正:The dog rushed to the door when he saw the stranger.(狗看到陌生人时,迅速跑向门口。)

27. 错误:The hospital has a well-trained medical team.(这家医院有一支训练有素的医疗团队。)

纠正:The hospital has a well-trained medical team.(这家医院有一支训练有素的医疗团队。)

28. 错误:The computer is compatible with most programs.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数程序。)

纠正:The computer is compatible with most programs.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数程序。)

29. 错误:The store has a great variety of products.(这家商店有很棒的商品选择。)

纠正:The store has a great variety of products.(这家商店有很棒的商品选择。)

30. 错误:The editor is known for her critical eye for detail.(编辑以其对细节的敏锐观察力而闻名。)

纠正:The editor is known for her critical eye for detail.(编辑以其对细节的敏锐观察力而闻名。)

31. 错误:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

纠正:The dog barked loudly at the mailman.(狗大声对着邮差叫。)

32. 错误:The hospital has a well-equipped diagnostic center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的诊断中心。)

纠正:The hospital has a well-equipped diagnostic center.(这家医院有一个设施齐全的诊断中心。)

33. 错误:The computer is compatible with most software.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数软件。)

纠正:The computer is compatible with most software.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数软件。)

34. 错误:The store has a great selection of clothes.(这家商店有很棒的衣物选择。)

纠正:The store has a great selection of clothes.(这家商店有很棒的衣物选择。)


35. 错误:The editor is known for her ability to write engaging fiction.(编辑以其善于写吸引人的小说而闻名。)

纠正:The editor is known for her ability to write engaging fiction.(编辑以其善于写吸引人的小说而闻名。)

36. 错误:The dog rushed to the door when he saw the stranger.(狗看到陌生人时,迅速跑向门口。)

纠正:The dog rushed to the door when he saw the stranger.(狗看到陌生人时,迅速跑向门口。)

37. 错误:The hospital has a well-trained staff.(这家医院有一支训练有素的员工队伍。)


纠正:The hospital has a well-trained staff.(这家医院有一支训练有素的员工队伍。)

38. 错误:The computer is compatible with most programs.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数程序。)

纠正:The computer is compatible with most programs.(这台电脑可以兼容大多数程序。)

39. 错误:The store has a great variety of products.(这家商店有很棒的商品选择。)

纠正:The store has a great variety of products.(这家商店有很棒的商品选择。)

40. 错误:The editor is known for her sharp eye for detail.(编辑以其对细节的敏锐观察力而闻名。)

纠正:The editor is known for her sharp eye for detail.(编辑以其对细节的敏锐观察力而闻名。)。