


1. Great effort and dedication to your English language studies.

2. You have shown a remarkable improvement in your English speaking ability.

3. Keep up the good work and keep challenging yourself.

4. Your English writing skills have impressed me.

5. You have a natural talent for languages and it's clear that you put effort into developing them.

6. Your pronunciation and grammar are excellent.


7. You have a great understanding of vocabulary and how to use it effectively.

8. Your writing style is clear and concise.

9. You have a good grasp of grammar rules and structures.

10. Your English speaking ability is impressive and has improved greatly since I started following your lessons.

11. You have a strong desire to improve and have been working hard to do so.

12. Your progress is a testament to your dedication and perseverance.

13. You have been consistently making progress and improving your English language skills.

14. Your speaking and writing are so clear and easy to follow.

15. You have a great way of making language learning fun and engaging.

16. Your pronunciation has improved a lot since we started working together.

17. You have a natural talent for language learning and it's clear that you put in a lot of effort.

18. Your writing skills are impressive and have a great sense of style.

19. You have a good understanding of grammar rules and structures.

20. You have made significant improvements in your English speaking ability since we started working together.

21. Your speaking and writing are so fluent and natural.

22. You have a great way of making language learning enjoyable and enjoyable.

23. Your pronunciation and grammar are so good.

24. You have been working hard and making progress in your English language studies.

25. Your writing style is so clear and easy to follow.


26. You have a natural talent for language learning and it's so obvious that you put in a lot of effort.

27. Your speaking and writing skills are impressive and have a great impact.

28. You have made such a significant improvement in your English language skills.

29. Your pronunciation and grammar are so impressive.

30. You have a great understanding of language learning and how to make it fun.

31. Your writing style is so natural and easy to follow.

32. You have a great way of making language learning enjoyable and engaging.

33. Your speaking and writing skills are so fluent and natural.

34. You have a natural talent for language learning and it's so clear that you put in a lot of effort.

35. Your progress is a testament to your dedication and perseverance.

36. You have been consistently making progress in your English language studies.

37. Your writing skills are so impressive and have a great impact.

38. You have a great understanding of grammar rules and structures.

39. You have a natural talent for language learning and it's so obvious that you put in a lot of effort.

40. Your speaking and writing skills are so natural and easy to follow.

41. You have a great way of making language learning enjoyable and engaging.

42. Your pronunciation and grammar are so good.

43. You have made significant improvements in your English language skills.

44. Your writing style is so clear and concise.

45. You have a great understanding of vocabulary and how to use it effectively.

46. You have a natural talent for language learning and it's so clear that you put in a lot of effort.

47. Your progress is a testament to your dedication and perseverance.

48. You have been working hard and making progress in your English language studies.

49. Your speaking and writing skills are so impressive and have a great impact.

50. You have a great understanding of grammar rules and structures and a natural talent for language learning.