

1. Your English skills have improved significantly since the last class.

2. You have demonstrated a strong understanding of the topic.

3. Your essay was well-written and well-structured.

4. The vocabulary you used in your essay was impressive.

5. Your grammar and sentence structures were perfect.

6. Your response to the question was clear and concise.


7. You provided relevant and insightful analysis in your essay.

8. Your use of examples to support your arguments was effective.

9. Your essay was engaging and well-tailored to the topic.

10. Your spelling and grammar were almost error-free.


11. You demonstrated a good understanding of the form and function of language.

12. Your essay was well-organized and easy to follow.

13. You showed enthusiasm and passion for the topic in your writing.

14. Your sentence flowed smoothly and was easy to follow.

15. You used appropriate academic sources to support your arguments.

16. Your essay demonstrated a clear and logical structure.

17. You provided a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the question.

18. Your essay was well-written and showed a high level of language proficiency.

19. You demonstrated a thorough understanding of the topic and its significance.

20. Your essay was well-structured and easy to read.

21. You provided clear and concise explanations of your points.

22. Your essay showed a good understanding of the topic and its relevance.

23. You demonstrated a strong ability to use critical thinking in your writing.

24. Your essay was well-researched and showed a good understanding of the topic.

25. You provided relevant and insightful examples to support your arguments.

26. Your essay was well-organized and showed a high level of language proficiency.

27. You demonstrated a clear understanding of the structure and purpose of an essay.

28. Your essay was well-written and showed a high level of language proficiency.

29. You provided a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the prompt.

30. Your essay showed a good understanding of the topic and its significance.

31. You demonstrated a strong ability to use critical thinking and evidence in your writing.

32. Your essay was well-researched and provided relevant examples to support your arguments.

33. You provided a clear and concise explanation of your main points.

34. Your essay was well-structured and easy to follow.

35. You demonstrated a good understanding of the topic and its relevance.

36. Your essay was well-written and showed a high level of language proficiency.

37. You provided a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the question.

38. Your essay showed a good understanding of the topic and its significance.

39. You demonstrated a strong ability to use critical thinking and evidence in your writing.

40. Your essay was well-researched and provided relevant examples to support your arguments.


41. You provided a clear and concise explanation of your main ideas.

42. Your essay was well-structured and easy to read.

43. You demonstrated a good understanding of the topic and its purpose.

44. Your essay was well-written and showed a high level of language proficiency.

45. You provided a thoughtful and well-reasoned response to the prompt.

46. Your essay showed a good understanding of the topic and its significance.

47. You demonstrated a strong ability to use critical thinking and evidence in your writing.

48. Your essay was well-researched and provided relevant examples to support your arguments.

49. You provided a clear and concise explanation of your main points.

50. Your essay was well-written and showed a high level of language proficiency.