

1. Your English has improved greatly since the last lesson.

2. I have great difficulty understanding your spoken English.

3. You have a good pronunciation, but need to work on speaking more clearly.

4. The way you use hesitation and negative questions in your questions is very interesting.

5. I like the way you try to make your sentences more complex and interesting.

6. It would be helpful if you could practice your speaking skills in class.

7. Your answers demonstrate a good understanding of the topic.

8. The correct punctuation makes your writing more clear and easy to follow.

9. It's great that you are actively using English in your everyday life.

10. I think you have a good grasp of the grammar rules, but need to practice using them in context.

11. Your use of idioms and phrasal verbs is impressive.

12. The variety of words and phrases you use is interesting and helps me understand the topic better.

13. It would be helpful if you could provide more specific and detailed feedback on your answers.

14. Your written English is clear and easy to follow.

15. The fact that you are actively participating in class discussions and activities shows that you are making progress.

16. It's great that you are using English to communicate effectively with others.


17. Your speaking voice is clear and confident.

18. The way you use examples to support your points is very effective.

19. I appreciate your willingness to take on new challenges and try new things.

20. Your English has a good grammar structure, but needs to be more varied in its use of words and phrases.


21. It's interesting to see how your English has improved over the course of our lessons.


22. Your questions demonstrate a good understanding of the topic, and the use of variety is impressive.

23. The correct spelling and grammar of your written English is impressive.

24. It's helpful to see that you are actively seeking feedback and are constantly working to improve.

25. Your answers are well-structured and easy to follow.

26. The way you incorporate different elements, such as vocabulary and grammar rules, into your writing is very impressive.

27. It's great that you are making use of the resources available to you in class.

28. Your English is becoming stronger every day, and it's great to see.

29. Your participation in class discussions and activities shows that you are fully engaged in the learning process.

30. Your written English is well-organized and easy to read.

31. It's interesting to see how your language choices reflect your cultural background.

32. Your questions are clear and concise, and effectively support your points.

33. The way you use visual aids to support your written English is very impressive.

34. Your English is becoming more varied in its use of words and phrases, which is great for building language learners' confidence.

35. It's helpful to see that you are actively reflecting on your own language use and progress.

36. Your written English is well-structured and well-organized.

37. The way you incorporate feedback from your peers and your teacher into your learning is very effective.

38. Your spoken English is clear and confident, and effectively communicates your ideas.

39. It's great that you are making an effort to improve your English language skills.

40. Your participation in class discussions and activities shows that you are fully immersed in the learning process.

41. Your written English is well-expressed and easy to read.

42. It's interesting to see how your language choices reflect your personal experiences.

43. Your questions are well-structured and clearly demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

44. The way you use examples to support your points is very impressive and helps to clarify any concepts.

45. Your English is becoming stronger every day, and it's great to see.


46. It's helpful to see that you are actively engaging with the course material and are making progress.

47. Your written English is well-structured and easy to follow.

48. The use of idioms and phrasal verbs adds depth and interest to your writing.

49. It's great that you are taking the initiative to seek out opportunities for English language practice.

50. Your English language skills are improving, and it's great to see.