

1. 教学态度积极,教学方法多样。

2. 语言表达清晰,音量控制得当。

3. 引导教学深入,激发学习兴趣。

4. knowledgeable of subject matter, and able to convey it effectively.

5. strict code of ethics and professional standards.

6. Demonstrates empathy and understanding towards students and colleagues.

7. Collaborative and supportive, able to work well with others.

8. Incorporates technology and multimedia into lessons to enhance engagement.

9. Continuously professionalizes and upgrade knowledge and skills.

10. Encourages critical thinking and questioning, promotes creativity and imagination.

11. Accessible and approachable, able to connect with diverse learners.

12. Helps students to develop necessary skills for real-world application.

13. Provides constructive feedback that promotes growth and learning.

14. Demonstrates leadership and inspire students to achieve their goals.

15. Maintains an appropriate level of formalality while still being friendly and approachable.

16. Demonstrates strong organizational skills and attention to detail.

17. Demonstrates cultural competence and sensitivity to different backgrounds, cultures, and communities.

18. Utilizes examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts.

19. Demonstrates creativity in lesson design and materials preparation.

20. Demonstrates active listening skills and ability to respond quickly to students' needs.


21. Demonstrates ethical considerations in decision-making and problem-solving.

22. Demonstrates commitment to ongoing professional development and continuing education.

23. Demonstrates effective communication skills, both verbal and written.

24. Demonstrates understanding of diverse learning styles and adapts teaching accordingly.

25. Demonstrates willingness to adapt to new technology and teaching methods.

26. Demonstrates knowledge of relevant laws and regulations related to teaching and learning.


27. Demonstrates respect for diverse learners and ability to accommodate different needs.

28. Demonstrates belief in continuous learning and personal growth.

29. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

30. Demonstrates commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and inclusive learning environment.

31. Demonstrates knowledge of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

32. Demonstrates understanding of students' cognitive development and ability to adapt teaching accordingly.

33. Demonstrates knowledge of various instructional strategies and their effectiveness in promoting learning.

34. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of self-directed learning and encourages it.

35. Demonstrates commitment to providing accurate and constructive feedback.

36. Demonstrates understanding of the relationship between teaching and learning.

37. Demonstrates commitment to ongoing professional development and continuing education.

38. Demonstrates understanding of the diverse needs and backgrounds of the students.

39. Demonstrates commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming learning environment.

40. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of active learning and participation.

41. Demonstrates commitment to promoting critical thinking and questioning.

42. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of creating meaningful learning experiences.

43. Demonstrates commitment to providing diverse opportunities for students.

44. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of building relationships with students and colleagues.

45. Demonstrates commitment to creating a learning culture that supports growth and development.

46. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of technology and multimedia in education.

47. Demonstrates commitment to staying current with educational research and best practices.

48. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of creating a positive learning environment.

49. Demonstrates commitment to providing personalized learning experiences.

50. Demonstrates understanding of the importance of creating an environment that fosters growth and development.