

1. The essay is well-written and easy to understand.

2. The grammar is correct and there are no errors.

3. The topic is interesting and well-discovered.

4. The sentence structures are varied and well-structured.

5. The vocabulary used is appropriate and adds depth to the text.

6. The writing style is formal and professional.


7. The language is clear and concise.

8. The ideas are well-expressed and logical.

9. The tone is appropriate and adds depth to the paper.

10. The paper is well-organized and easy to follow.

11. The grammar is strict and follows the rules.

12. The vocabulary is limited and needs to be more diverse.

13. The sentence structures are simple and lack variety.


14. The ideas are not well-developed and lack depth.

15. The writing style is informal and lacks professionalism.

16. The language is not well-controlled and lacks clarity.

17. The sentence structures are rigid and lack flexibility.


18. The ideas are not well-supported and lack evidence.

19. The writing style is childlike and lacks sophistication.

20. The language is expressive and adds color to the text.

21. The sentence structures are fluid and adaptable.

22. The ideas are well-reasoned and logical.

23. The writing style is serious and thoughtful.

24. The language is precise and adds meaning to the text.


25. The sentence structures are clear and concise.

26. The ideas are well-expressed and meaningful.

27. The writing style is formal and serious.

28. The language is not well-controlled and lacks precision.

29. The sentence structures are random and lack coherence.

30. The ideas are not well-developed and lack impact.

31. The writing style is sloppy and lacks clarity.

32. The language is not well-executed and lacks effectiveness.

33. The sentence structures are bloated and lack efficiency.

34. The ideas are not well-structured and lack organization.

35. The writing style is hackneyed and lacks charm.

36. The language is not well-regulated and lacks control.

37. The sentence structures are convoluted and lack coherence.

38. The ideas are not well-expressed and lack impact.

39. The writing style is dreary and lacks excitement.

40. The language is not well-控制的 and lacks clarity.

41. The sentence structures are ambiguous and lack precision.

42. The ideas are not well-supported and lack evidence.

43. The writing style is silly and lacks sophistication.

44. The language is not well-executed and lacks effectiveness.

45. The sentence structures are ridiculous and lack coherence.

46. The ideas are not well-reasoned and lack depth.

47. The writing style is silly and lacks charm.

48. The language is not well-controlled and lacks precision.

49. The sentence structures are unclear and lack coherence.

50. The ideas are not well-developed and lack impact.