


1. 积极向上(positive orientation)

2. 正能量(positive energy)

3. 乐观(optimistic)

4. 自信(self-confident)

5. 自律(discipline)

6. 诚实( honesty)

7. 勇敢(bravery)

8. 正直(integrity)

9. 谦虚(humility)

10. 礼貌( politeness)

11. 宽容(tolerance)

12. 谦虚谨慎(modest caution)

13. 乐于助人(be willing to help)

14. 勤奋(diligent)

15. 诚实守信( truthful and reliable)

16. 善良(kindness)

17. 责任心( accountability)

18. 谦虚好学(humble and eager to learn)

19. 进步(progress)

20. 成长(growth)

21. 激励(motivation)

22. 鼓舞( inspiration)


23. 建议(suggestion)

24. 提醒(reminder)

25. 关心(care)

26. 支持(support)

27. 理解(understanding)

28. 宽容理解(tolerance and understanding)

29. 改进(improvement)

30. 实践(practice)

31. 建议和帮助(suggestions and help)


32. 合作(cooperation)

33. 专注(concentration)

34. 决策( decision-making)

35. 独立思考( independent thinking)

36. 问题解决能力( problem-solving skills)

37. 创造力(creativity)

38. 灵活性(flexibility)

39. 沟通技巧( communication skills)

40. 诚实守信( truthfulness and honesty)

41. 热情(happiness)

42. 沟通效果( communication effect)

43. 反馈(feedback)

44. 建议反馈(suggestion and feedback)

45. 维护(maintain)

46. 关系良好(good relationship)

47. 团队精神( team spirit)

48. 积极沟通( positive communication)

49. 处理问题( handling problems)

50. 自信积极( self-confident and positive)。