

1. I have a dream that one day...

2. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog...

3. The five boxing wizards...

4. Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz...

5. The five boxing wizards visited the five boxing wizards...

6. The five boxing wizards, in their red and blue...

7. The five boxing wizards, their eyes were fixed...

8. The five boxing wizards, their faces aglow...

9. The five boxing wizards, their muscles rippling...

10. The five boxing wizards, their wings spread...

11. The five boxing wizards, their shadows darting...

12. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers alight...

13. The five boxing wizards, their bellies glistening...

14. The five boxing wizards, their feathers fluttering...


15. The five boxing wizards, their legs bending...

16. The five boxing wizards, their voices whispering...

17. The five boxing wizards, their expressions twisting...

18. The five boxing wizards, their wings rustling...

19. The five boxing wizards, their belliesaching...

20. The five boxing wizards, their whisker-wagging...

21. The five boxing wizards, their chirping discontented...

22. The five boxing wizards, their scratching at the ground...

23. The five boxing wizards, their noses twitching...

24. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers bristling...

25. The five boxing wizards, their bellies bouncing...

26. The five boxing wizards, their legs wagging...

27. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers wagging...

28. The five boxing wizards, their expressions wild...

29. The five boxing wizards, their noses twitching...

30. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers rustling...

31. The five boxing wizards, their bellies stretching...

32. The five boxing wizards, their legs reaching...

33. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers wagging...

34. The five boxing wizards, their expressions dancing...

35. The five boxing wizards, their noses writhing...

36. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers curling...

37. The five boxing wizards, their bellies rolling...

38. The five boxing wizards, their legs flowing...

39. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers twirling...

40. The five boxing wizards, their expressions soaring...

41. The five boxing wizards, their noses sniffling...

42. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers flickering...

43. The five boxing wizards, their bellies bending...

44. The five boxing wizards, their legs stretching...

45. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers wagging...

46. The five boxing wizards, their expressions flustered...

47. The five boxing wizards, their noses writhing...

48. The five boxing wizards, their whiskers rustling...

49. The five boxing wizards, their bellies bouncing...

50. The five boxing wizards, their legs wagging...