

1. The cat is sleeping.(那只猫在睡觉。)

2. The dog is barking.(那只狗在咬牙。)

3. The sun is shining.(太阳在发光。)

4. The boy is playing soccer.(那个男孩在踢足球。)

5. The girl is singing in the shower.(那个女孩在淋浴时唱歌。)

6. The teacher is teaching English.(老师正在教英语。)


7. The student is reading a book.(那个学生正在阅读一本书。)

8. The phone is ringing.(电话在响。)

9. The door is open.(门是开着的。)

10. The window is closed.(窗户是关着的。)


11. The car is parked.(车在停车。)

12. The dog is running.(那只狗在跑。)


13. The cat is lying down.(那只猫在躺下。)

14. The man is working in the office.(一个人在办公室工作。)

15. The woman is cooking in the kitchen.(女人正在做菜。)

16. The children are playing in the park.(孩子们在公园里玩耍。)

17. The teacher is grading papers.(老师正在评分。)

18. The student is taking an exam.(学生正在参加考试。)

19. The dog is barking at the mailman.(狗正在咬邮差。)

20. The phone is on the table.(电话在桌子上。)

21. The woman is shopping in the store.(女人正在商店购物。)

22. The man is watching TV with his friends.(一个人正在和朋友们看电视。)

23. The children are watching TV together.(孩子们一起看电视。)

24. The dog is jumping on the couch.(狗正在沙发上跳跃。)

25. The woman is doing housework.(女人正在打扫卫生。)

26. The man is reading a magazine.(一个人正在读杂志。)

27. The children are playing with their toys.(孩子们正在玩他们的玩具。)

28. The dog is running through the yard.(狗正在院子里奔跑。)

29. The man is working out in the gym.(一个人正在健身房锻炼。)

30. The woman is practicing the piano.(女人正在练习钢琴。)


31. The children are doing homework together.(孩子们一起做功课。)

32. The dog is jumping on the bed.(狗正在床上跳跃。)

33. The woman is watching a movie.(女人正在看电影。)

34. The man is having a picnic in the park.(一个人正在公园里野餐。)

35. The children are playing a game of tag.(孩子们在玩一个名为“ tags ”的游戏。)

36. The dog is chasing a butterfly.(狗正在追蝴蝶。)

37. The woman is cooking dinner.(女人正在做晚餐。)

38. The man is playing basketball with his friends.(一个人正在和朋友们打篮球。)

39. The children are having a picnic in the park.(孩子们正在公园里野餐。)

40. The dog is barking at the mailman.(狗正在咬邮差。)

41. The woman is shopping for groceries.(女人正在购物。)

42. The man is reading a book.(一个人正在读一本书。)

43. The children are playing a board game.(孩子们正在玩一个名为“ board game ”的游戏。)

44. The dog is jumping on the couch.(狗正在沙发上跳跃。)

45. The woman is doing housework.(女人正在打扫卫生。)

46. The man is watching TV with his friends.(一个人正在和朋友们看电视。)

47. The children are watching TV together.(孩子们一起看电视。)

48. The dog is running through the yard.(狗正在院子里奔跑。)

49. The man is working out in the gym.(一个人正在健身房锻炼。)

50. The woman is practicing the violin.(女人正在练习小提琴。)。