




1. The cat is sleeping.(猫在睡觉。)

2. The dog is barking.(狗在叫。)

3. The sun is shining.(太阳在发光。)

4. The book is on the table.(书在桌子上。)

5. The child is playing with a ball.(孩子在玩球。)

6. The teacher is teaching in the classroom.(老师在教室里教学。)

7. The phone is on the table.(电话在桌子上。)

8. My sister is singing in the shower.(我在洗澡时我的姐姐在唱歌。)

9. The baby is crying in his crib.(婴儿在婴儿床上哭泣。)

10. The dog is running in the park.(狗在公园跑步。)


1. What's your favorite color?(你最喜欢的颜色是什么?)

2. My favorite food is pizza.(我最喜欢的食物是披萨。)

3. Do you have a pet?(你有一宠物吗?)

4. My favorite subject is science.(我最喜欢的科目是科学。)

5. The tallest tree in the forest is 300 feet tall.(森林里最高的树有300英尺高。)

6. The dog is eating dog food.(狗正在吃狗粮。)

7. My favorite book is "The Cat in the Hat."(我最喜欢的书是《一只猫在帽子里》。)

8. The sun rises in the east at 7:00 am.(太阳在早上7点钟在东方升起。)

9. The dog barks every day at 6:00 pm.(狗每天在下午6点钟叫。)

10. My favorite sport is playing basketball.(我最喜欢的运动是打篮球。)

11. The fish are swimming in the ocean.(鱼在海洋里游泳。)

12. The teacher is grading papers in the classroom.(老师在教室里给试卷评分。)

13. My sister is making a paper crane.(我在做纸鹤。)

14. The cat is playing with a toy car.(猫在玩玩具汽车。)

15. The sun sets in the west at 7:00 pm.(太阳在晚上7点钟在西方落山。)

16. The dog is sleeping on the couch.(狗正在沙发上睡觉。)

17. My favorite artist is Pablo Picasso.(我最喜欢的艺术家是皮埃尔·毕加索。)

18. The children are playing in the park.(孩子们在公园里玩耍。)

19. The fish are eating in the ocean.(鱼在海洋里吃饭。)


20. My favorite color is blue.(我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。)

21. The teacher is reading a book in the classroom.(老师在教室里读书。)

22. My sister is making a craft project.(我在做手工项目。)

23. The sun rises in the south at 8:00 am.(太阳在早上8点钟在南方升起。)

24. The dog is running through the park.(狗在公园里跑步。)

25. My favorite subject is math.(我最喜欢的科目是数学。)

26. The baby is eating a pacifier.(婴儿正在吃奶嘴。)

27. The fish are swimming in the stream.(鱼在溪流里游泳。)

28. My favorite author is J.K. Rowling.(我最喜欢的作者是J.K.罗琳。)

29. The sun sets in the north at 5:00 pm.(太阳在晚上5点钟在北方落山。)

30. The dog is jumping on the couch.(狗正在沙发上跳跃。)

31. My favorite thing is playing with my friends.(我最喜欢的事情是与朋友一起玩耍。)

32. The fish are eating grass in the water.(鱼在水中吃草。)

33. The teacher is grading assignments in the classroom.(老师在教室里给作业评分。)

34. My sister is making a jewelry box.(我在做首饰盒。)

35. The sun rises in the north at 7:00 am.(太阳在早上7点钟在北方升起。)

36. The dog is sleeping on the bed.(狗正在床上睡觉。)

37. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Wang.(我最喜欢的老师是王老师。)

38. The fish are swimming in the ocean.(鱼在海洋里游泳。)


39. My favorite sport is playing soccer.(我最喜欢的运动是踢足球。)

40. The sun sets in the south at 6:00 pm.(太阳在晚上6点钟在南方落山。)

41. The dog is running through the park.(狗在公园里跑步。)

42. My favorite subject is science.(我最喜欢的科目是科学。)

43. The baby is playing with toys.(婴儿正在玩玩具。)

44. The fish are eating fish food.(鱼在吃鱼食。)

45. The teacher is reading a story in the classroom.(老师在教室里读故事。)

46. My sister is making a scrapbook.(我在做相册。)

47. The sun rises in the east at 6:00 am.(太阳在早上6点钟在东方升起。)

48. The dog is jumping on the furniture.(狗正在跳上家具。)

49. My favorite artist is Vincent van Gogh.(我最喜欢的艺术家是梵高。)


50. The fish are swimming in the stream.(鱼在溪流里游泳。)。