

1. The cat is sleeping.(那只猫在睡觉。)

2. The dog is running.(那只狗在跑步。)

3. The boy is playing soccer.(那个男孩在踢足球。)

4. The girl is singing.(那个女孩在唱歌。)

5. The teacher is teaching.(那位老师在教学。)

6. The student is studying.(那个学生在学习。)

7. The parent is working.(那位家长在上班。)

8. The teacher is inspecting.(那位老师在检查。)

9. The student is waiting.(那个学生在等待。)

10. The doctor is treating.(那位医生在治疗。)

11. The lawyer is arguing.(那位律师在争论。)

12. The musician is playing.(那位音乐家在演奏。)

13. The artist is creating.(那位艺术家在创作。)

14. The sportsman is running.(那位运动子在跑步。)


15. The chef is cooking.(那位厨师在做饭。)

16. The engineer is fixing.(那位工程师在修理。)

17. The farmer is tending.(那位农民在照顾。)

18. The driver is driving.(那位司机在开车。)

19. The musician is composing.(那位音乐家在创作。)


20. The doctor is seeing.(那位医生在看病人。)

21. The lawyer is drafting.(那位律师在起草文件。)

22. The artist is drawing.(那位艺术家在画画。)

23. The sportsman is training.(那位运动子在训练。)

24. The chef is testing.(那位厨师在测试食物。)

25. The engineer is testing.(那位工程师在测试机器。)

26. The teacher is grading.(那位老师在评分。)

27. The student is writing.(那个学生在写作。)

28. The artist is painting.(那位艺术家在画画。)

29. The sportsman is practicing.(那位运动子在练习。)

30. The driver is leading.(那位司机在引导。)


31. The teacher is leading.(那位老师在引导。)

32. The student is asking.(那个学生在提问。)

33. The lawyer is asking.(那位律师在提问。)

34. The doctor is asking.(那位医生在询问。)

35. The engineer is asking.(那位工程师在询问。)

36. The teacher is directing.(那位老师在指导。)

37. The student is directing.(那个学生在指导。)

38. The lawyer is directing.(那位律师在指导。)

39. The doctor is directing.(那位医生在指导。)

40. The engineer is directing.(那位工程师在指导。)

41. The teacher is reviewing.(那位老师在复习。)

42. The student is reviewing.(那个学生在复习。)

43. The lawyer is reviewing.(那位律师在复习。)


44. The doctor is reviewing.(那位医生在复习。)

45. The engineer is reviewing.(那位工程师在复习。)

46. The teacher is writing.(那位老师在写作。)

47. The student is writing.(那个学生在写作。)

48. The artist is writing.(那位艺术家在写作。)

49. The sportsman is writing.(那位运动子在写作。)

50. The driver is writing.(那位司机在写作。)。