


1. 岁月催残躯,唯有泪千行。

2. 爱情误我,繁华落尽,唯有空留忆。

3. 生命多舛,浮生若梦,但愿人长久。

4. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。

5. 江南水乡,烟雨江南,梦回江南。

6. 琴声悠扬,曲终人散,空留思念。

7. 风起云涌,波涛汹涌,岁月如梭。

8. 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。


9. 朝花夕拾,往事如烟,渐行渐远。

10. 沧海一声笑,滔滔两岸潮。


1. Years have passed, but my body is no longer young. My only solace is tears.

2. Love has deceived me, and the flourishing days are gone. Only the memories remain.

3. Life is unpredictable, and its beauty fades with time. I only hope for a long life.

4. The setting sun reminds me of my sorrow.

5. The water town of Jiangnan, the misty Jiangnan, and my dream of returning to my hometown.

6. The sound of the zither, the ending of the melody, and the yearning in my heart.

7. Wind and waves, waves and wind, time flies like a river.

8. Life is a dream, and I offer a cup of moonlight on the river.

9. The past is like smoke, and the memories are like a distant echo.

10. The sound of the song in the morning, the waves on the两岸, and the passing of time.