

1. The college student visited the museum last Saturday.

2. My sister has been working as a teacher for five years.

3. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.

4. The sun sets in the west at 7:00 PM.

5. My brother started a new job last week.


6. My parents bought a house in the suburbs.

7. I enjoy reading books before going to bed.

8. The baby cried out loud for attention.

9. The traffic was heavy on the highway.

10. The chef cooked a delicious meal for his guests.

11. The dog ran through the park on a sunny day.

12. I went to the store to buy milk and bread.

13. The baby smiled when she saw her toys.

14. The dog chased a cat across the yard.

15. I love listening to music on my commute.

16. The sun rises in the east at 6:00 AM.

17. My sister is a teacher at a local elementary school.

18. The dog barked at the mailman because he was hungry.

19. The traffic was terrible on the way to the airport.

20. The chef prepared a beautiful cake for the occasion.

21. The baby cried out loud when she saw the stranger.

22. I went to the gym to work out last night.

23. The dog followed me home from the park.


24. The sun sets in the south at 3:00 PM.

25. My brother is a software engineer at a tech company.

26. The baby looked at me with big eyes.

27. The dog ran around the house when he saw the mailman.

28. I bought a new pair of shoes for my feet.

29. The sun rises in the south at 8:00 AM.

30. The chef chopped vegetables for his dinner.

31. The baby clung to me for comfort when she was upset.

32. I went to the library to research my paper.

33. The dog barked at the mailman because he was bored.

34. The traffic was light on the highway on a sunny day.

35. My sister is a nurse at a hospital.

36. The baby rolled over on her back when she saw the dog.

37. I bought a new outfit for my daughter.

38. The sun sets in the north at 11:00 PM.

39. The chef grilled meats for his dinner party.

40. The baby smiled when she saw her toys.


41. The dog chased a small toy across the yard.

42. I went to the store to buy cat food and milk.

43. The sun rises in the north at 2:00 AM.

44. The chef made a delicious dessert for dessert.

45. The baby wiggled her legs when she saw the cars.

46. The traffic was heavy on the highway on a rainy day.

47. My sister is a teacher at a private school.

48. The baby looked at me with her big eyes.

49. The dog barked at the intruders when he saw them.

50. I went to the gym to work out last week.