

1. In conclusion, the results indicate that...

2. In summary, the findings suggest that...


3. To summarize, the data indicates that...

4. In brief, the main findings are that...

5. To put it another way, the results are...

6. In long term, this finding has significant implications for...

7. In short, the study reveals that...


8. To conclude, the data shows that...

9. In summary, the study found that...

10. To summarize, the research reveals that...

11. In addition, the data indicates that...

12. Furthermore, the study shows that...

13. On a broader scale, this finding indicates that...

14. In turn, the data reveals that...

15. To put it simply, the study shows that...

16. In essence, the data supports the argument that...

17. To summarize, the report indicates that...

18. In brief, the report finds that...

19. To put it another way, the report states that...


20. In long term, this development has significant implications for...

21. In short, the report reveals that...

22. To conclude, the conference highlighted that...

23. In summary, the presentations indicate that...

24. To put it another way, the presentations show that...

25. In addition, the report highlights that...

26. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that...

27. On a broader scale, this finding has significant implications for...

28. In turn, the report shows that...

29. To summarize, the survey indicates that...

30. In essence, the report confirms that...

31. To put it simply, the report summarizes that...

32. In brief, the survey finds that...

33. To put it another way, the survey shows that...

34. In long term, this policy has significant implications for...

35. In short, the survey reveals that...

36. To conclude, the discussion highlights that...

37. In summary, the hearing showcases that...

38. To put it another way, the hearing demonstrates that...

39. In addition, the report emphasizes that...

40. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that...

41. On a broader scale, this phenomenon has significant implications for...

42. In turn, the discussion emphasizes that...

43. To summarize, the presentation highlights that...

44. In essence, the presentation confirms that...

45. To put it simply, the presentation showcases that...

46. In brief, the presentation finds that...

47. To put it another way, the presentation shows that...

48. In long term, this project has significant implications for...

49. In short, the presentation reveals that...

50. To conclude, the report concludes that...