


1. The sun will never rise again.

2. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.

3. My car broke down on the side of the road.


4. The baby cried out loud for attention.

5. The fish swam away into the ocean.

6. The rain fell heavily on the roof.

7. My friend called me late at night for help.

8. The dog chased me down the street.

9. The cat hissed at me when I came near.

10. The boy ran away from home.

11. The teacher gave a lecture to the class.

12. The machine malfunctioned during the meeting.

13. The crowd cheered for the运动员.

14. The building collapsed during the earthquake.

15. My family and I went on vacation to the beach.

16. The car parked on the street.

17. The dog bit me on the leg.

18. The sun rose slowly over the horizon.

19. The baby fell asleep in the crib.

20. The man lost his job due to the pandemic.

21. The dog跳上了桌子。

22. The baby smiled when she saw her dads face.

23. The fish caught a big worm.

24. The teacher helped the student with his homework.

25. The dog barked at the mailman.

26. The baby cried out for food.

27. The rain poured down the window.

28. My friend bought me a new phone.

29. The boy told me a scary story.

30. The teacher gave a quiz to the class.

31. The crowd watched the football game on TV.

32. The baby pooped in the diaper.

33. The fish fought with other fish.

34. The sun set over the city.

35. My family and I had a big dinner party.

36. The dog ran through the yard.

37. The baby gazed at the birds in the park.

38. The man filled up his car with gas.

39. The teacher gave a presentation in class.

40. The baby fell asleep in her crib.

41. The dog barked at the mailman.

42. The baby smiled when she saw her dad.

43. The fish bit a person on the hand.

44. The sun rose slowly over the mountains.

45. My family and I went on a hike.

46. The baby wiggled in her crib.

47. The fish swam in the ocean.

48. The man lost his keys.

49. The teacher gave a lecture about recycling.

50. The baby made a mess with her toys.