

1. The sun is shining brightly.

2. The dog barked loudly at the mailman.

3. The boy walked to the store.

4. The car, with the broken window, belonged to my friend.

5. The teacher, grading papers, stayed up late.

6. The baby cried out loudly for attention.

7. The boy, playing video games, did not notice the sign.

8. The shopkeeper, stocks only the best products, is always popular among customers.

9. The sun, shining in the sky, makes everything bright.

10. The dog, barking loudly, scared the mailman.

11. The boy, who is playing soccer, scored a goal.

12. The car, which belongs to my friend, has a broken window.

13. The teacher, grading papers, worked hard all day.

14. The baby, crying out loud, needed to be fed.

15. The shopkeeper, who stocks only the best products, is always respected by customers.

16. The sun, shining brightly, made everything feel warm.

17. The dog, barking loudly, scared the mailman.

18. The boy, who walked to the store, bought some milk.

19. The car, with the broken window, belonged to my enemy.

20. The teacher, who graded papers, gave a high score to the student.

21. The baby, who cried out loudly, needed to be hugged.

22. The shopkeeper, who is always popular among customers, stocks only the best products.

23. The sun, which shines in the sky, makes everything feel alive.

24. The dog, which barked loudly, scared the street.

25. The boy, who is playing basketball, dribbled the ball through the court.

26. The car, which belongs to my friend, has a clean car inside.

27. The teacher, who worked hard all day, gave a presentation to her class.

28. The baby, who needed to be fed, cried out loud.

29. The shopkeeper, who stocks only the best products, always gives the customer a full refund if they are not satisfied with the purchase.

30. The sun, which is shining brightly, made everything feel joyful.

31. The dog, which barked loudly, scared the neighbor's dog.

32. The boy, who walked to the store, bought some chocolate.

33. The car, with the broken window, belongs to my friend who is a doctor.

34. The teacher, who graded papers, asked the class to keep quiet during the presentation.

35. The baby, who is crying out loud, needed to be changed.

36. The shopkeeper, who is always respected by customers, gave the customer a free item as a gift.

37. The sun, which is shining in the sky, makes everything feel peaceful.

38. The dog, which barked loudly, scared the mailman.

39. The boy, who is playing video games, did not notice the danger.

40. The car, which has a broken window, belongs to my enemy who is always trying to hurt me.

41. The teacher, who worked hard all day, gave a special gift to her student.

42. The baby, who needed to be fed and changed, cried out loud and screamed.

43. The shopkeeper, who stocks only the best products, gave the customer a discount.

44. The sun, which is shining brightly, made everything feel cheerful.

45. The dog, which barked loudly, scared the street and the people.

46. The boy, who is playing soccer, scored a goal and hugged his teammate.

47. The car, which belongs to my friend, who is a lawyer, has a lot of books inside.

48. The teacher, who graded papers and worked hard all day, gave a presentation to her class about the history of the world.

49. The baby, who is crying out loud and needs to be fed and changed, was left alone by her mother.


50. The shopkeeper, who is always popular among customers, gave the customer a special offer for a limited time.