1. hard work
2. dedication
3. perseverance
4. determination
5. application
6. commitment
7. effort
8. enthusiasm
9. productivity
10. satisfaction
11. growth
12. progress
13. achievement
14. success
15. failure
16. learning
17. growth mindset
18. failure to progress
19. no effort
20. effortless
21. lazy
22. effort required
23. high-quality work
24. quick progress
25. substantial results
26. fulfilling
27. meaningful
28. challenging
29. rewarding
30. enjoyable
31. fulfilling work
32. satisfaction with work
33. job satisfaction
34. personal satisfaction
35. professional satisfaction
36. financial success
37. emotional fulfillment
38. intellectual stimulation
39. creative satisfaction
40. personal growth
41. professional development
42. career advancement
43. leadership
44. teamwork
45. communication
46. collaboration
47. problem-solving
48. decision-making
49. problem-solving skills
50. innovation。