

1. 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。

2. 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。

3. 人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。

4. 相寻梦里路,飞雨落花中。

5. Last night, I went to the gym to fix my diet.

6. The early bird gets the worm.

7. The butcher was asked to give a guarantee for the quality of the meat.

8. My dear, I'll be with you always.

9. The teacher told us to study hard.

10. The sun sets on the human world, but the love story lives on.

11. The cat is sleeping in the refrigerator.

12. The dog is the best friend.

13. The company has a long history of success.


14. The police are investigating the crime.

15. The teacher is very kind.

16. The baby is crying out for food.

17. The flowers are blooming in the garden.

18. The boy is playing soccer with his friends.

19. The girl is dancing in the rain.

20. The sun is shining brightly today.

21. The dog is barking loudly at the mailman.

22. The store has a sale on fruits and vegetables.

23. The man is walking his dog in the park.

24. The woman is making a delicious cake.

25. The children are playing happily in the park.

26. The dog is running through the field.

27. The teacher is grading papers in the classroom.

28. The baby is eating his feed.

29. The fish are swimming in the ocean.

30. The sun is setting over the horizon.


31. The dog is jumping on the table.

32. The woman is shopping for groceries.

33. The boy is drawing a picture in the art class.

34. The girl is playing with her toys.

35. The dog is chasing a butterfly.

36. The teacher is conducting a science experiment.

37. The man is fixing a broken chair.

38. The woman is making a beautiful garden.


39. The children are playing together in the park.

40. The dog is running through the streets.

41. The teacher is reading a book to the class.

42. The man is working on his car in the garage.

43. The woman is cooking a delicious meal.

44. The children are going to the park.

45. The dog is jumping on the furniture.

46. The teacher is writing in the journal.

47. The man is taking a walk with his wife.

48. The woman is cleaning the house.

49. The children are playing games in the park.

50. The dog is cuddling with his owner on the couch.