

1. The sun is shining and the birds are singing.

2. The tree is green and the grass is blue.

3. The flowers are blooming and the butterflies are flying.

4. The child is laughing and the dog is wagging its tail.

5. The sun is setting and the sky is orange.

6. The clouds are floating and the wind is blowing.

7. The fish are swimming and the sea is blue.

8. The mountain is tall and the valleys are low.

9. The boy is playing and the girl is laughing.

10. The dog is barking and the phone is ringing.

11. The sky is clear and the stars are shining.

12. The road is clean and the cars are passing.

13. The man is working and the woman is watching.

14. The baby is sleeping and the mother is holding it.

15. The fish are caught and the net is floating.

16. The sun is shining and the rain is falling.

17. The tree is dry and the leaves are falling.

18. The child is playing with toys and the dog is running.

19. The man is reading and the woman is listening.

20. The dog is barking and the door is opening.

21. The sky is blue and the clouds are passing.

22. The man is walking and the woman is running.

23. The fish are swimming and the boat is moving.

24. The sun is shining and the birds are singing.


25. The tree is green and the grass is soft.

26. The boy is playing with his toys and the girl is dancing.

27. The man is cooking and the woman is eating.

28. The dog is barking and the phone is ringing.

29. The sky is clear and the stars are shining.

30. The road is clean and the cars are passing.

31. The baby is sleeping and the mother is holding it.


32. The fish are caught and are being fried.

33. The sun is shining and the rain is falling.

34. The tree is dry and the leaves are falling.

35. The child is playing and the dog is running.

36. The man is reading and the woman is writing.

37. The dog is barking and the door is closing.


38. The sky is blue and the clouds are passing.

39. The man is walking and the woman is running.


40. The fish are swimming and the boat is moving.

41. The sun is shining and the birds are singing.

42. The tree is green and the grass is soft.

43. The boy is playing with his toys and the girl is dancing.


44. The man is cooking and the woman is eating.


45. The dog is barking and the phone is ringing.

46. The sky is clear and the stars are shining.

47. The road is clean and the cars are passing.

48. The baby is sleeping and the mother is holding it.

49. The fish are caught and are being served.


50. The sun is shining and the rain is falling.