


1. The purpose of the GMAT exam is to assess the writing skills of business students.

2. The GMAT writing section is divided into two tasks.

3. The first task requires you to write an argumentative essay, presenting a well-supported viewpoint.

4. The second task involves analyzing a given argument and providing evidence to support or refute it.

5. The GMAT writing section is designed to test your ability to express your ideas clearly and logically.

6. It is important to take the time to understand the prompt before you start writing.

7. The GMAT writing section is scored on the basis of organization, clarity, and persuasiveness.

8. Your essay should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

9. The introduction should provide background information and a thesis statement.

10. The body should present your arguments and provide evidence to support them.

11. The conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis.

12. The GMAT writing section is not about memorizing formulas, but about demonstrating your ability to think critically.

13. You should use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your writing.

14. The GMAT writing section is looking for well-reasoned arguments and not just a list of facts.

15. Your writing should be clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary words and complicated sentences.

16. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to communicate your ideas effectively in English.

17. Your essay should be based on your own ideas and opinions, not those of others.

18. The GMAT writing section is looking for a nuanced understanding of the topic, not a simplistic one.

19. Your writing should be organized and easy to follow, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point.

20. The GMAT writing section is not about using big words or complex sentences, but about using them appropriately.

21. Your essay should have a clear and concise thesis statement that guides the rest of your writing.

22. The GMAT writing section is looking for a voice that is confident and authoritative.

23. Your writing should be balanced and fair, with no bias towards one side or the other.

24. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to analyze and evaluate arguments.

25. Your essay should have a clear purpose and a logical flow of ideas.


26. The GMAT writing section is looking for original and creative ideas, not just regurgitated information.

27. Your writing should be appropriate for the intended audience, taking into account their level of knowledge and interest.

28. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to write in a formal and professional tone.

29. Your writing should be clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary details and background information.

30. The GMAT writing section is looking for a well-structured and organized essay, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

31. Your essay should be well-supported by evidence and examples, not just assertions.

32. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to write in a clear and concise manner.


33. Your writing should avoid logical fallacies and be free of errors in reasoning.

34. The GMAT writing section is looking for a writer who can present complex ideas in a simple and clear manner.

35. Your essay should have a clear and concise introduction, body, and conclusion.

36. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to use language effectively and appropriately.

37. Your writing should be clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary words and complicated sentences.

38. The GMAT writing section is looking for a nuanced understanding of the topic, not a simplistic one.

39. Your essay should be organized and easy to follow, with each paragraph focusing on a specific point.

40. The GMAT writing section is not about using big words or complex sentences, but about using them appropriately.

41. Your writing should be balanced and fair, with no bias towards one side or the other.

42. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to analyze and evaluate arguments.

43. Your essay should have a clear purpose and a logical flow of ideas.

44. The GMAT writing section is looking for original and creative ideas, not just regurgitated information.

45. Your writing should be appropriate for the intended audience, taking into account their level of knowledge and interest.

46. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to write in a formal and professional tone.

47. Your writing should be clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary details and background information.

48. The GMAT writing section is looking for a well-structured and organized essay, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

49. Your essay should be well-supported by evidence and examples, not just assertions.

50. The GMAT writing section is testing your ability to write in a clear and concise manner.