

1. The appointment of the new editor-in-chief will be announced soon.

2. The board of directors will meet next week to discuss the resignation of the CEO.

3. The government has yet to appoint a replacement for the outgoing ambassador.

4. The school's governing board is responsible for任免教师和校长.

5. The company's management team will meet today to discuss the appointment of a new employee.

6. The assembly will vote on the candidate for the position of speaker.

7. The city council will meet tomorrow to discuss the resignation of the mayor.

8. The university's board of trustees will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new president.

9. The government has appointed a new prime minister.


10. The board of directors has approved the appointment of a new CEO.

11. The company's management team will meet tomorrow to discuss the resignation of the CTO.

12. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new member of the board.

13. The government has yet to announce the appointment of a new judge.

14. The board of directors will meet next week to discuss the resignation of the CEO.

15. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new speaker.

16. The university's board of trustees will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new president.

17. The government has appointed a new cabinet member.

18. The board of directors will meet today to discuss the appointment of a new employee.

19. The assembly will vote on the candidate for the position of mayor.

20. The company's management team will meet tomorrow to discuss the resignation of the CFO.

21. The board of directors will discuss the resignation of the outgoing CEO.

22. The government has yet to announce the appointment of a new MP.

23. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new member of the jury.

24. The university's board of directors will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new provost.

25. The government has appointed a new ambassador.

26. The board of directors will meet tomorrow to discuss the resignation of the head of marketing.

27. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new delegate.

28. The company's management team will meet next week to discuss the appointment of a new COO.

29. The board of directors will discuss the resignation of the outgoing president.

30. The government has yet to announce the appointment of a new judge.

31. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new member of the board of directors.

32. The university's board of trustees will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new chancellor.

33. The government has appointed a new minister.

34. The board of directors will meet today to discuss the appointment of a new employee.

35. The assembly will vote on the candidate for the position of assemblyman.

36. The company's management team will meet tomorrow to discuss the resignation of the CFO.

37. The board of directors will discuss the resignation of the outgoing CTO.

38. The government has yet to announce the appointment of a new MP.

39. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new delegate to the international conference.

40. The university's board of directors will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new vice president.

41. The government has appointed a new attorney general.

42. The board of directors will meet tomorrow to discuss the appointment of a new member of the management team.

43. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new member of the city council.

44. The company's management team will meet next week to discuss the appointment of a new COO.

45. The board of directors will discuss the resignation of the outgoing CEO.

46. The government has yet to announce the appointment of a new judge.

47. The assembly will vote on the appointment of a new member of the board of directors.


48. The university's board of trustees will meet next month to discuss the appointment of a new provost.

49. The government has appointed a new cabinet member.

50. The board of directors will meet today to discuss the appointment of a new employee.