

1. I expect you to arrive on time.

2. She expects you to help her with the project.

3. They expect you to contribute to the team effort.

4. He expects you to give him a copy of the report.

5. The company expects you to maintain a positive work ethic.

6. The teacher expects you to ask questions in class.

7. My friend expects me to be honest with her.

8. The manager expects you to meet the sales target.

9. The chef expects you to follow the recipe closely.

10. The doctor expects you to take medication as prescribed.

11. My mom expects me to study hard for my exams.

12. The editor expects you to edit the article carefully.

13. The accountant expects you to keep accurate records.

14. The lawyer expects you to consult the lawbook.

15. The designer expects you to have creative ideas.

16. The妈妈期望你回家吃饭。

17. The teacher期望你认真学习。

18. The boss expects你为公司做出贡献。

19. The contractor expects you to finish the job on time.

20. The scientist expects you to design a controlled experiment.

21. The artist期望你能够展现你的创造力。

22. The engineer expects you to follow the engineering principles.

23. The waiter expects you to serve tables with a smile.

24. The chef期望你能够烹制出美味的菜肴。

25. The doctor期望你能够按时服药。

26. The editor期望你能够审阅并修改文章。

27. The manufacturer期望你能够按照规格生产产品。

28. The market researcher期望你能够进行市场调查。

29. The teacher期望你能够认真听讲。

30. The salesman期望你能够成功地向客户推销产品。

31. The engineer期望你能够解决技术难题。

32. The designer期望你能够按照要求设计产品。

33. The scientist期望你能够进行数据分析。

34. The manager期望你能够协调团队完成项目。

35. The artist期望你能够按时完成画作。

36. The waiter期望你能够提供友好的服务。

37. The lawyer期望你能够仔细研究法律文件。

38. The teacher期望你能够按时提交作业。

39. The saleswoman期望你能够成功交易产品。

40. The chef期望你能够烹制出创新的菜肴。


41. The doctor期望你能够按时进行体检。

42. The engineer期望你能够改进产品设计。

43. The market researcher期望你能够发现市场趋势。

44. The teacher期望你能够学习新知识。

45. The salesman期望你能够与客户建立良好的关系。

46. The chef期望你能够烹制出美味的菜肴。

47. The doctor期望你能够按时完成医疗服务。

48. The editor期望你能够审阅并修改文章。

49. The manufacturer期望你能够提高产品质量。

50. The scientist期望你能够提出新的研究问题。