

1. 一生很短,你要大胆。

2. 不要那么敏感,也不要那么心软,太敏感和太心软的人,肯定过得不快乐,别人随便的一句话,你都要胡思乱想一整天。

3. 过去不等于未来。

4. 你今天的生活是由你昨天的选择决定的,你明天的的生活是由你今天的选择决定的。

5. 只会想自己不会为别人着想的人,不会有很多朋友。


6. 你 foundations are strong, so you will live a long life.

7. What you are is what you have always been.

8. I have lived a life of fear, and I have died a death of fear.

9. The quality of life is not just the number of days you have lived, but also the attitude you have lived.

10. Life is a journey and not a destination.

11. Don't watch the whole movie, just the good parts.

12. I'm not a teacher, but I can tell you, I've been to many bad places in my life.

13. What's done is done, and cannot be changed.

14. I have a clear understanding of my strengths and weaknesses, and I know how to use them.

15. There are many people who think life is not worth living, but I believe we have a choice.

16. You can't judge the sincerity of a friend by their words.

17. Life is too short to hold grudges.

18. The glass is half full, but don't count your milk yet.

19. You can't change the cards you have been dealt, but you can choose how you play the hand.

20. Life is like a camera, focus on the good things.

21. I know what I am and what I am not.

22. Life is a journey, and sometimes it's necessary to step back and look at the bigger picture.

23. You can't make someone else happy, so why are you trying to make them so?

24. Life is too short to spend it being negative.

25. Choose the positive attitude that will define you.

26. You are in charge of your own happiness.

27. Life is like a seed, you only get one chance to grow it.

28. You can't unload your problems on others.

29. Life is a gift, cherish it and enjoy it.

30. It's important to learn to let go.

31. You can't change the past, but you can choose how you want to react to it.

32. Life is like a road, some people will get to the same place, but others will end up in a different one.

33. You have the power to choose your own destiny.

34. Life is too short to waste it on things that won't matter in the end.

35. It's important to remember that everyone has something special.


36. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

37. Life is a process, not a destination.

38. You have the right to be happy.

39. Life is too short to hold onto negativity.

40. You can't control everything, but you can control your attitude.

41. Life is like a book, some people will read a lot of pages, but others will only read one.

42. You have the power to make a difference in the world.

43. Life is a journey, and it's important to enjoy the ride.

44. You can't change what happened to you, but you can choose how you react to it.

45. Life is too short to spend it being negative.

46. You have the power to choose your own path.

47. Life is like a game, some people will win, but others will end up losing.

48. You can't make someone else happy, so why are you trying to make them so?

49. Life is too short to waste it on things that won't matter in the end.

50. You have the right to be important.