

1. 你是我 predestined 命运唯一真命天子。

2. 我是小仙女,你是小王子。

3. 你让我的世界变得不再孤单。

4. 如果你是星星,我就是一只可爱的蚂蚁。

5. ots quality time with you is never enough.

6. 因为是你,所以天南海北都顺路,酸甜苦辣都爱吃。

7. the person who makes you a pushover is the best person to love.

8. love grows雪花飘,赤道转,银河上下,

9. I'll be with you, my sweet baby.

10. In the beginning, you were inside my heart. Now, my love for you has become infinite.

11. A girl's love is like a precious poem. It starts with a whisper and ends with a shout.

12. I love you more than words can express.

13. You are my everything, my heart, my soul, my reason, my fate.

14. I'll be your rock, your best friend, and your soulmate.

15. You are like a magical flower that blooms in my heart.

16. Time just falls apart when I'm with you.

17. My love for you will never fade away.

18. My heart is like a piano, and you are like a音符,

19. My love for you will only grow stronger.

20. My dear, I know I'm not perfect, but I'll do my best to be the best.


21. I'm just a normal girl, but I'm so lucky to have you.

22. My love for you will never end.

23. My heart is like a treasure that I will always keep.

24. My love for you is like a never-ending adventure that I'm always eager to explore.

25. You are my everything, my everything.


26. I'll be your knight in shining armor, your loving heart,


27. My love for you will be like a beautiful melody that I'll always be passionate about.

28. My heart is like a garden, and you are like a gardener,

29. My love for you will be like a shining light that illuminates my darkest nights.

30. My dear, you are the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face.

31. I'll be your rock, your shelter, your safe haven.

32. My love for you is like a magical spell that makes all my other dreams come true.

33. My heart is like a painting, and you are like the artist,

34. My love for you will be like a precious gem that I'll always treasure.

35. My dear, you are my everything, my reason for living.

36. I'll be your confidante, your best friend, your partner in crime.

37. My love for you is like a wildfire that burns in my chest.


38. My heart is like a symphony, and you are like the conductor,

39. My love for you will be like a beautiful melody that I'll always sing.

40. My dear, I know that I'm not perfect, but I'll do my best to be the best to you.

41. I'll be your light, your guide, your shining path.

42. My love for you is like a precious gem that I'll always keep.

43. My heart is like a book, and you are like the pages,

44. My love for you will be like a beautiful story that I'll always be passionate about.

45. My dear, you are my everything, my partner in life.

46. I'll be your friend, your confidante, your everything.

47. My love for you is like a wildfire that burns in my chest.


48. My heart is like a puzzle, and you are like the pieces,

49. My love for you will be like a beautiful picture that I'll always be proud of.


50. My dear, you are like a dream come true, a reason to keep fighting the fight.