

1. 我不希望在拥有你的地方,因为你得来的幸福,已在我心中消失。

2. 有的人活着,她已经死了。有的人活着,她早该死了。

3. 我已不想见你,我跑不过我的梦。

4. 我没有往前走,我在怀念。

5. 我已经相信有些人我永远不必等,所以我明白在灯火阑珊处为什么会哭。

6. 我等不了了,所以我走了。

7. 我告诉你,我所理解的幸福,就是当你同我走到了世界的尽头,而你依然把我当成你生命中最重要的人。

8. 我心碎了,不让你看见。我还有很多话要跟你说,可你走远了。

9. 我开始变得勇敢,为了不让你看出我,我变本加厉。

10. 我希望你会明白,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)。

11. 我已经跨越了时间、空间,别再来让我心碎。

12. 有些人,有些事,我放下了,就不想再捡起。

13. 你知道,我一直都很努力的为你喊话,但其实,只想让你幸福。

14. 我在你心里,却不知道你在哪里。

15. 我在猜,你在猜,其实我们都是傻瓜。

16. 将这一段与你相关的分秒,全部都用来想你。

17. 有些人,有些事,我们放下了,就不想再捡起。

18. 你知道,我一直都很努力的为你喊话,但其实,我只是想让你知道,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.


19. 我心碎了,不让你看见。我还有很多话要跟你说,可你走远了。

20. 我希望你会明白,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.

21. 我已不再年轻,但我仍会勇敢地追求你。

22. 有的人,有些事,我放下了,就不想再捡起。

23. 你知道,我一直都很努力的为你喊话,但其实,我只是想让你知道,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.

24. 我希望你会明白,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.


25. 我已经跨越了时间、空间,别再来让我心碎。

26. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.

27. 我为你走了九十九步,可当你说那一句,我就知道我错了。

28. 你知道,我一直都很努力的为你喊话,但其实,我只是想让你知道,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.

29. 我已经跨越了时间、空间,别再来让我心碎。

30. 我会回来,带回满身疲惫和理想,可如果你在,四季皆欢。

31. 我希望你会明白,我对你的爱,是 Lifelong(一生的)
You know, I have been trying to tell you, ever since you came into my life, how much I love you, and actually, I just want you to know that my love for you, from the moment you came into my life, has never stopped, and will always continue, and will always be the most important thing in my heart.

32. 我已经穿越了时光和空间,只为找到你。

33. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是无所不能的。


34. 我喜欢你,没有什么特别的理由,就是喜欢。

35. 我希望你也喜欢你,因为你是我世界中最重要的人。

36. 我已经想好了一百个理由,来喜欢你,可我还是想不出更好的理由。

37. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是真实而长久的。

38. 我喜欢你,因为你让我感到幸福。

39. 我希望你也喜欢你,因为我知道,你也会让我感到幸福。

40. 我已经放下了很多东西,但唯一放不下一件,就是你的事。

41. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是坚定的。

42. 我希望你也能对我有同样的感觉,因为我知道,我对你的爱,是真实而长久的。

43. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是无所不能的。

44. 我希望你也能像我一样,为了你愿意做任何事情。

45. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是真心的。

46. 我希望你也能体会得到,我对你的爱,是永恒的。


47. 我希望你能明白,我对你的爱,是至高无上的。


48. 我希望你也能知道,我对你的爱,是毫不在乎别人的看法的。

49. 我希望你能理解,我对你的爱,是纯粹的。

50. 我希望你也能相信,我对你的爱,是永恒的。