

1. 世界上没有比目录更装配得像彩虹那么多彩多姿的东西了。

2. 人生如集市,众人在此相聚,却不久留;人生如客场,路人在此歇脚,而后又走。

3. 我觉得人生求乐的方法,最好莫过于尊重劳动,一切乐境,都可由劳动得来,一切苦境,都可由劳动避免。

4. 彼此了解是重要的,但是彼此关心才是难能可贵的。

5. hostility to books, is a sign of病态智力.

6. The story is the only thing that remains of human life.

7. There’s no possible way of telling the truth from a lie.

8. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.

9. The cat is out of the bag.

10. The best feeling in the world is when you know your heart is smiling.

11. A good book is a source of comfort and a great story never ends.

12. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

13. If you don’t build your own dream, someone will hire you to manage someone else’s.

14. The most beautiful thing you can give to the children is the love of a lifetime.

15. A great source of happiness is the joy of others’ happiness.

16. The coming of a child is like the answer to the stillness of the universe.

17. I’d rather be safe in the dark than dangerous in the light.

18. The truth is,访问将告诉你许多事情,但是当你获得它之后,你的人生将会有很大的不同。

19. The child will have a life,what he needs most in life is to know the love of a good father or mother.

20. The power of imagination makes us infinite.

21. A book is a dangerous weapon, for it can destroy the whole world.

22. The life of a man is like a ship,and the way he navigates is the way he life.

23. The language of the street is the language of the world.

24. The sun is a good teacher, the moon a good student.

25. A great source of stress is the fear of others.


26. The love of reading is a pipe in hand, and the love of humanity is a救护船。


27. The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know.

28. The truth is,访问将告诉你许多事情,但是当你获得它之后,你的人生将会有很大的不同。

29. The child will have a life,what he needs most in life is to know the love of a good father or mother.

30. The coming of a child is like the answer to the stillness of the universe.

31. I’d rather be safe in the dark than dangerous in the light.

32. The truth is,访问将告诉你许多事情,但是当你获得它之后,你的人生将会有很大的不同。

33. The power of imagination makes us infinite.

34. A book is a dangerous weapon,for it can destroy the whole world.

35. The language of the street is the language of the world.

36. The sun is a good teacher,the moon a good student.

37. The coming of a child is like the answer to the stillness of the universe.

38. A great source of stress is the fear of others.

39. The love of reading is a pipe in hand,and the love of humanity is a救护船。

40. The more you know, the more you know that you don’t know.

41. The language of the street is the language of the world.

42. A great source of happiness is the joy of others’ happiness.

43. The truth is,访问将告诉你许多事情,但是当你获得它之后,你的人生将会有很大的不同。

44. The power of imagination makes us infinite.

45. The coming of a child is like the answer to the stillness of the universe.

46. The child will have a life,what he needs most in life is to know the love of a good father or mother.

47. The coming of a child is like the answer to the stillness of the universe.

48. A great source of stress is the fear of others.

49. The language of the street is the language of the world.

50. The sun is a good teacher,the moon a good student.