

1. 燕归来兮食未饱,列方程兮誓心劳。


2. 燕草如碧丝,秦桑低绿枝。

3. 燕舞轻波上,奇怀满目中。

4. 燕乐常在我,使我不得开心颜。

5. theoreticians will never put their ideas into practice.

6. The swallow has not yet arrived at summer, but it is building a house.


7. The swallow is a sign of spring.

8. The swallow is a symbol of happiness.

9. The swallow is a sign of a new beginning.

10. The swallow is a sign of resilience.

11. The swallow is a symbol of hope.

12. The swallow is a sign of joy.

13. The swallow is a symbol of nature.

14. The swallow is a symbol of patience.

15. The swallow is a symbol of hard work.

16. The swallow is a symbol of loyalty.

17. The swallow is a symbol of intelligence.

18. The swallow is a symbol of creativity.

19. The swallow is a symbol of freedom.

20. The swallow is a symbol of power.

21. The swallow is a symbol of wisdom.

22. The swallow is a symbol of courage.

23. The swallow is a symbol of generosity.

24. The swallow is a symbol of kindness.

25. The swallow is a symbol of wisdomfulness.

26. The swallow is a symbol of gratitude.


27. The swallow is a symbol of joyfulness.


28. The swallow is a symbol of beauty.

29. The swallow is a symbol of grace.

30. The swallow is a symbol of powerlessness.

31. The swallow is a symbol of humility.

32. The swallow is a symbol of equality.

33. The swallow is a symbol of solidarity.

34. The swallow is a symbol of hopefulness.

35. The swallow is a symbol of gratitude.

36. The swallow is a symbol of kindness.

37. The swallow is a symbol of generosity.

38. The swallow is a symbol of loyalty.

39. The swallow is a symbol of intelligence.

40. The swallow is a symbol of freedom.

41. The swallow is a symbol of power.

42. The swallow is a symbol of wisdom.


43. The swallow is a symbol of courage.

44. The swallow is a symbol of generosity.


45. The swallow is a symbol of kindness.

46. The swallow is a symbol of wisdomfulness.


47. The swallow is a symbol of gratitude.


48. The swallow is a symbol of joyfulness.

49. The swallow is a symbol of beauty.

50. The swallow is a symbol of nature.