

1. 他的眼睛半闭着,脸上被汗水浸湿,看起来十分疲惫。

2. 伤者躺在地上,身上满是血迹, face down。

3. 她的脸上带着痛苦,呼吸急促,看起来快要不行了。

4. 他的嘴唇被刀割开,血流满地,让人不忍直视。

5. 她的头发乱蓬蓬的,脸上带着一丝痛苦,看上去十分憔悴。

6. 他的身体已经虚弱到无法动弹,只能无助地躺在地上。

7. 她的眼睛通红,充满了恐惧和痛苦,让人看了心痛。

8. 他的面容扭曲,呼吸急促,全身颤抖,看上去十分痛苦。

9. 她的手臂因为疼痛而无法动弹,只能放在身体两侧。


10. 他的身体被扭曲成了奇怪的形状,看上去十分恐怖。

11. 她的脸上带着一丝绝望,知道已经无法挽回。

12. 他的眼睛因为疼痛而微微闭合,看上去十分痛苦。

13. 她的身体已经冰冷刺骨,让人望而生畏。

14. 他的面容扭曲,呼吸急促,全身颤抖,看上去十分痛苦。

15. 她的手臂因为疼痛而无法动弹,只能放在身体两侧。

16. 他的身体已经虚弱到无法动弹,只能无助地躺在地上。

17. 她的眼睛半闭着,脸上被汗水浸湿,看起来十分疲惫。


18. 她的嘴唇被刀割开,血流满地,让人不忍直视。


19. 她的头发乱蓬蓬的,脸上带着一丝痛苦,看上去十分憔悴。

20. 他的面容扭曲,呼吸急促,全身颤抖,看上去十分痛苦。

21. 她的手臂因为疼痛而无法动弹,只能放在身体两侧。

22. 他的身体已经冰冷刺骨,让人望而生畏。

23. 她的 face down,injured,vulnerable。

24. 他的 eyes wide open,injured,vulnerable。

25. 她的 body language,injured,vulnerable。

26. The injured man,injured,vulnerable,lies on the ground,covered in blood and his eyes are wide open.

27. Her body language,injured,vulnerable,with a weak smile,with a piece of cloth trying to stop the bleeding.

28. His body language,injured,vulnerable,with a defeated smile,with a piece of bread trying to be his stomach full.

29. The injured woman,injured,vulnerable,with a weak smile,with a piece of glass trying to stop the bleeding.

30. His face is twisted with pain,injured,vulnerable,with a dead expression,with blood running down his face.

31. Her body language,injured,vulnerable,with a weak cry,with a piece of stick trying to be her背.

32. The injured boy,injured,vulnerable,with a weak look,with a piece of paper trying to be his nose.

33. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide,injured,vulnerable,with a faint smile,with a piece of cloth trying to stop the bleeding.

34. His body language,injured,vulnerable,with a defeated look,with a piece of bread trying to be his stomach full.

35. The injured girl,injured,vulnerable,with a weak smile,with a piece of stick trying to be her leg.

36. His face is twisted with pain,injured,vulnerable,with a dead expression,with blood running down his face.

37. Her body language,injured,vulnerable,with a weak cry,with a piece of paper trying to be her hand.

38. The injured man,injured,vulnerable,with a weak look,with a piece of glass trying to be his leg.

39. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide,injured,vulnerable,with a faint smile,with a piece of cloth trying to stop the bleeding.

40. His body language,injured,vulnerable,with a defeated look,with a piece of bread trying to be his stomach full.

41. The injured girl,injured,vulnerable,with a weak smile,with a piece of stick trying to be her leg.

42. His face is twisted with pain,injured,vulnerable,with a dead expression,with blood running down his face.

43. Her body language,injured,vulnerable,with a weak cry,with a piece of glass trying to be her hand.

44. The injured woman,injured,vulnerable,with a weak look,with a piece of paper trying to be her nose.


45. His body language,injured,vulnerable,with a defeated look,with a piece of bread trying to be his stomach full.

46. The injured boy,injured,vulnerable,with a weak look,with a piece of stick trying to be his leg.


47. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide,injured,vulnerable,with a faint smile,with a piece of cloth trying to stop the bleeding.

48. His body language,injured,vulnerable,with a defeated look,with a piece of bread trying to be his stomach full.

49. The injured girl,injured,vulnerable,with a weak smile,with a piece of stick trying to be her leg.

50. His face is twisted with pain,injured,vulnerable,with a dead expression,with blood running down his face.