

1. The dog barked at the mailman.

2. My sister在学习中文。

3. The boy walked to the park.

4. The teacher gave a lecture last night.

5. My parents bought a new car.


6. The dog growled at the mailman.

7. My sister is reading a book.

8. The boy is playing with his toys.

9. The teacher is teaching a class.

10. My parents are hosting a party this weekend.

11. The dog drank water from the bowl.

12. My sister cooked dinner last night.

13. The boy ran to the store.

14. The teacher asked us to complete the exercise.

15. My parents are taking a vacation to Hawaii.

16. The dog greeted the mailman.

17. My sister is taking a dance class.

18. The boy swam in the pool yesterday.

19. The teacher reviewed the lesson last night.


20. My parents are doing some shopping today.

21. The dog watched the mailman.

22. My sister is meeting a friend for coffee.

23. The boy赞不绝口地谈论着他喜欢的球队。

24. The teacher's eyes were glued to the board.

25. My parents are having a meeting with their boss.

26. The dog衍生产生了噪音,让他们很生气。

27. My sister is trying to learn how to speak Chinese fluently.

28. The boy's face lit up when he saw the ice cream truck.

29. The teacher's hands were trembling with excitement as she presented the award.

30. My parents are installing a new floor in their house.

31. The dog sat on the couch waiting for them to arrive.

32. My sister is writing a letter to a pen pal.

33. The boy's gaze lingered on the beautiful sunset over the ocean.

34. The teacher's eyes narrowed as she listened to the student's story.

35. My parents are hosting a dinner party for their guests.

36. The dog barked at the sound of the mailman's knock.

37. My sister is researching her history class for school.

38. The boy's excitement was palpable as he prepared to show off his new video game.

39. The teacher gave a detailed explanation of the difficult math concept.

40. My parents are selecting a new home for their family.

41. The dog greeted the people who came to visit them.

42. My sister is learning how to perform in a play.

43. The boy's face looked determined as he explained his decision to his parents.

44. The teacher's eyes smiled as she praised the student's hard work.

45. My parents are reading a book about遵医德。

46. The dog watched the people walking and chatting nearby.

47. My sister is practicing her piano skills under the careful eye of her teacher.


48. The boy's words were precise as he described the game he was playing.

49. The teacher's voice was filled with enthusiasm as she announced the release of the new movie.

50. My parents are cooking a delicious dinner for their guests.