

1. 燕舞翩跹, Vultures soar in the sky,

| 青蛙万岁, Ducks致意, |

2. 千山红叶飘零, The leaves of thousands of mountains drop,

| 鹤舞九天, Cranes fly, |

3. 马蹄踏碎冰雪, Horses trample on the snow,

| 狗吠三声, Dogs bark three times, |

4. 春眠不觉晓, Dreamy spring days,

| 夜半钟声到, The bell of night, |

5. 雨打芭蕉叶, Banana leaves get wet,

| 风吹柳絮飞, willow scouts, |

6. 蚂蚁爬树梢,蚂蚁上树,

| 蜻蜓点水,蜻蜓喝水, |

7. 蜜蜂采蜜, Honey bees collect nectar,

| 蝴蝶翩翩, Butterfly flutter, |

8. 景色迷人, scenery,attractiveness,

| 春夏秋冬, four seasons, |

9. 雨露滋润, Rain and dew,

| 太阳照耀, Sun shining, |

10. 森林生态系统, Forest ecosystem,

| 动植物繁多, Many plants and animals, |

11. 生物种类丰富, Abundant species,

| 基因多样性, Genetic diversity, |

12. 生态系统平衡, Ecosystem balance,

| 大自然恩赐, Nature's gift, |

13. 保护生物多样性, Protection of biodiversity,

| 维护生态平衡, Maintain ecosystem balance, |

14. 地球上的生命, Life on Earth,

| 让我们关爱, Let's love and care, |

15. 生命之轮, Life cycle,

| 转而又转, turning and turning, |

16. 物种多样性, Species diversity,

| 每一种生命, Every kind of life, |

17. 自然界之谜, Nature's mysteries,

| 人类不断探索, Human exploration, |


18. 生命的奥秘, Life's mysteries,

| 人类不断追寻, Human pursuit, |

19. 血肉相连, Blood and flesh,

| 同根同源, Same root, same source, |

20. 生命的起点, Life's starting point,

| 受精卵, Fertilization, |

21. 生命的延续, Life's continuation,

| 发育成熟, adult stage, |

22. 生命的终末, Life's end,

| 死亡, Thanatology, |

23. 遗产继承, Heritage inheritance,

| 传统延续, traditional continuity, |

24. 生命伦理学, Life ethics,

| 人类思考, Human thinking, |

25. 生命的价值, Life's value,

| 人类自己, Human self, |

26. 生命的意义, Life's meaning,

| 每个人, Everyone, |

27. 蚂蚁的力量, Ant power,

| 尽管微小, Despite small, |

28. 植物世界, Plant world,

| 生态系统, Ecosystem, |

29. 鸟儿歌唱, Birds sing,

| 鸣叫, Song, |

30. 景色秀丽, Scenery,

| 江山如画, Landscapes, |


31. 生态系统崩溃, Ecosystem collapse,

| 影响生态, Impact on ecology, |

32. 生态系统的服务, Services of ecosystems,

| 气候稳定, Climate stability, |

33. 水资源管理, Water resource management,

| 生态系统可持续, Sustainable ecosystem, |

34. 生物多样性管理, biodiversity management,

| 生态系统管理, Ecosystem management, |

35. 生态系统的可持续性, Sustainable ecosystem sustainability,

| 生态系统稳定性, Stability of ecosystem, |

36. 生态系统服务, ecosystem services,

| 水土保持, Water conservation, |

37. 生态系统连接, Ecosystem connections,

| 物种多样性, Species diversity, |

38. 生态系统互动, ecosystem interactions,

| 生物与非生物, Life and non-life, |

39. 生态系统过程, ecosystem processes,


| 生态学, Ecology, |

40. 生态系统服务功能, Function of ecosystem services,

| 药用价值, medicinal value, |

41. 生态系统功能, ecosystem functions,

| 生态系统的功能, ecosystem functions, |

42. 生态系统服务, ecosystem services,

| 涵养水源, Water涵能力, |

43. 生态系统可持续性, Sustainable ecosystem,

| 保护生物多样性, Protection of biodiversity, |

44. 生态系统管理, ecosystem management,

| 生态系统可持续性, Sustainable ecosystem management, |

45. 生态系统服务功能, Function of ecosystem services,

| - 保护生物多样性, Protection of biodiversity, |

46. 生态系统连接, Ecosystem connections,

| - 物种多样性, Species diversity, |

47. 生态系统互动, ecosystem interactions,

| - 生物与非生物, Life and non-life, |

48. 生态系统过程, ecosystem processes,

| - 生态学, Ecology, |

49. 生态系统服务, ecosystem services,

| - 药用价值, medicinal value, |

50. 生态系统功能, ecosystem functions,

| - 涵养水源, Water涵能力, |。