

1. 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。

2. 友谊是雨后春笋,让友谊之树永存。

3. 书籍是全人类的营养品,生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧是aretic,它引导着人们前进,就像阳光照亮世界。

4. Meekness is the样的美德,它是一个人不可缺少的品质。

5. Dull is the quality of not having any,而坚韧是成功的一种品质。

6. The quality of a person is best seen in the quality of his work rather than in the quality of his talk.

7. A true friend is one who at all times stands by you and never leaves you.


8. The most beautiful thing you can add to the universe is a friend.

9. Friendship is the symphony of life,只有它才会使生活没有了忧愁,失去了友谊,也就失去了一切。

10. There is no denying the fact that friendship is one of the most valuable assets we have.

11. The qualities that make life worth living are: honesty, kindness, and understanding.

12. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

13. A good friend is like a four-leaf clover in a暴力 of luck.

14. The qualities that make you a valuable member of society are honesty,integrity,caring,and hard work.

15. To have a friend is to have someone to倒垃圾 with.

16. The person you are ashes of is often the first person you see when you wake up in the morning.

17. A friend is a person you can tell your secrets to.

18. A good friend is someone who can always make you laugh.

19. The trouble with joking is that it doesn't take you seriously.

20. A true friend is one who will call you up when you need a friend.

21. The ultimate goal of life is to be happy.

22. A friend is like a barber who helps you to see your true self.

23. The way to get started is to quit thinking and begin doing.


24. A good friend is someone who is always there for you.

25. The qualities that make you successful are honesty,坚韧,and hard work.

26. To be a good friend is to be honest,fair,and supportive.

27. A friend is a person you can trust to help you through tough times.

28. The trouble with life is that it goes by so fast.

29. A good friend is someone who can help you to grow.

30. The qualities that make you a valuable member of society are honesty,integrity,caring,and responsibilities.

31. A friend is like a guide who leads you through life's journey.

32. The ultimate goal of life is to be happy,and to help others to be happy as well.

33. A good friend is someone who always knows how to make you feel better.

34. The way to get started is to quit waiting and begin doing.

35. A friend is a person you can turn to when you need a helping hand.

36. The qualities that make you successful are honesty,坚韧,and creativity.

37. A friend is like a镜子 that shows you your true self.

38. The trouble with the world is that it is full ofTRouble。


39. A good friend is someone who has a good sense of humor.

40. The qualities that make you a valuable member of society are honesty,integrity,caring,and fairness。

41. A friend is like a bus driver who helps you to reach your destination.

42. The ultimate goal of life is to be happy and content。

43. A good friend is someone who is always willing to lend you a helping hand.

44. The qualities that make you successful are honesty,坚韧,and innovation。

45. A friend is like a team-player who helps you to reach your goals.

46. The trouble with life is that it is always changing.

47. A good friend is someone who always knows how to make you feel better in life。

48. The qualities that make you successful are honesty,坚韧,and wisdom。

49. A friend is like a doctor who helps you to heal。

50. A good friend is someone who has a good heart。