

1. 清洁工弯下腰来,细心地擦洗着地面。

2. 清洁工拿起扫帚, Confidently dusting the floor.

3. 清洁工擦窗户玻璃,时候总是那么认真。


4. The cleaning woman has a serious expression on her face, as if she were making sure that everything was perfect.


5. 清洁工奔向拖把,迅速而有效地擦试地板。

6. 清洁工拿起垃圾桶,小心翼翼地把垃圾倒进桶里。

7. 清洁工扫完地,原本佝偻的身体立刻变得笔直。

8. The cleaning woman is sweeping the floor with a expression of satisfaction.

9. 清洁工拿起抹布,擦干桌子,又擦又抹,直到完全光滑。

10. The cleaning woman's eyes light up with joy as she realizes how clean her workplace is.

11. 清洁工站在椅子前,捡起地上的纸屑,放进垃圾箱里。

12. The cleaning woman is thorough, making sure that every corner of the room is sparkling clean.

13. 清洁工奔向柜子,灵活地把箱子里的东西拿出来,放回原处。

14. The cleaning woman has a gentle touch, and her hands always feel soothing when she's cleaning.

15. 清洁工一边用抹布擦桌子,一边轻轻地哼着歌,她的神情十分优美。

16. The cleaning woman is a diligent worker,她对工作总是认真负责。

17. 清洁工擦窗户玻璃,时时刻刻保持着专注。

18. The cleaning woman is a hardworking person,她对工作充满了热情。

19. 清洁工奔向地面,灵活地擦拭桌子,直到她的工作都完成了。

20. The cleaning woman is tidy, always knowing where to put things and never letting things pile up.


21. 清洁工拿起扫帚,中等长度地挥舞着,清洁着地面。

22. The cleaning woman is serious, her expression tells that she takes her job very seriously.

23. 清洁工打扫厨房,时时刻刻保持着清洁、整洁。

24. The cleaning woman is very cautious, even if she's cleaning something that's a bit tricky, she always takes the time to make sure it's perfect.

25. 清洁工擦桌子,她的动作十分麻利,不一会儿桌子就变得干净了。

26. The cleaning woman is always so careful, She avoids even the tiniest speck of dust on surfaces.

27. 清洁工奔向椅子,拿起篮子,开始认真地清理垃圾。

28. The cleaning woman has a positive attitude, She knows that her work is important, And she always does her best.

29. 清洁工打扫卧室,动作轻柔,神态优雅。

30. The cleaning woman is a detail-oriented person, She always pays attention to the little things。

31. 清洁工打扫客厅,时时刻刻保持着对工作的认真。

32. The cleaning woman is hardworking, She always keeps working, never letting her guard down。

33. 清洁工打扫浴室,轻轻松松,毫不马虎。

34. The cleaning woman is tidy, she always knows where to put things and never letting things pile up.

35. 清洁工打扫厨房,利利索索,十分认真。

36. The cleaning woman is serious, her expression tells that she takes her job very seriously.

37. 清洁工擦窗户玻璃,时时刻刻保持着专注。

38. The cleaning woman is a diligent worker,她对工作总是认真负责。

39. 清洁工奔向拖把,迅速而有效地擦试地板。

40. The cleaning woman is thorough, making sure that every corner of the room is sparkling clean。

41. The cleaning woman is always so careful, She avoids even the tiniest speck of dust on surfaces.

42. 清洁工打扫卧室,动作轻柔,神态优雅。

43. The cleaning woman is a detail-oriented person, She always pays attention to the little things。

44. 清洁工打扫客厅,时时刻刻保持着对工作的认真。

45. The cleaning woman is hardworking, She always keeps working, never letting her guard down。

46. 清洁工打扫浴室,轻轻松松,毫不马虎。

47. The cleaning woman is tidy, she always knows where to put things and never letting things pile up。

48. The cleaning woman is a diligent worker,她对工作总是认真负责。

49. 清洁工擦窗户玻璃,时时刻刻保持着专注。


50. The cleaning woman is a hardworking and serious person, She always does her best in her job and never lets her guard down.