

1. A good beginning is half done.

2. The change in ...largely reflects the growing awareness of the Chinese community to the importance of cultural diversity.

3. The company has a long-standing commitment to ethical business practices.

4. The financial crisis has caused many businesses to go bankrupt.

5. The recent political events in the country have greatly affected the international community.

6. The main aim of the research is to find a better way to solve the problem.

7. The company's advertising campaign is designed to increase brand awareness.

8. The government has taken steps to address the issue of climate change.

9. The city is famous for its historical landmarks.

10. The company's policy of diversity and inclusion has been a key factor in its success.

11. The quality of the company's products or services is unparalleled.

12. The team made a series of tactical errors.

13. The goal of the company is to become the leading provider of innovative solutions in the industry.

14. The company's success is largely due to its ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

15. The organization has a strong commitment to employee development.

16. The main challenge facing the company is to manage the risks associated with its growth plans.

17. The company's products are known for their durability.

18. The financial crisis has had a significant impact on the global economy.

19. The political parties have different platforms and policies.

20. The company's approach to customer service is to always go above and beyond.

21. The product has a unique design that sets it apart from competitors.

22. The company's success is a result of its ability to attract and retain top talent.

23. The financial crisis has caused many businesses to reduce their prices to remain competitive.

24. The government has introduced policies to support small businesses.

25. The quality of the company's management is one of its greatest strengths.

26. The company's history dates back to a long time ago.

27. The financial crisis has led to many people losing their jobs.

28. The government has implemented policies to increase the minimum wage.

29. The company's products are used by a wide range of customers.

30. The financial crisis has affected the company's financial performance.

31. The political instability has caused uncertainty for the company's employees.


32. The company's success is a result of its commitment to excellence.

33. The financial crisis has caused many businesses to merge or be acquired.

34. The government has introduced laws to protect consumers from unfair business practices.

35. The company's culture is to work hard and be positive.

36. The financial crisis has caused many countries to go into recession.

37. The quality of the company's services is exceptional.

38. The financial crisis has affected the company's supply chain.

39. The company's success is due to its ability to adapt to changes in the market.

40. The political parties have different vision for the future of the country.

41. The financial crisis has caused many companies to restructure their operations.

42. The quality of the company's products is among the best in the industry.

43. The financial crisis has affected the company's ability to raise capital.

44. The company's success is due to its ability to provide innovative solutions to customers.

45. The financial crisis has caused many businesses to close their doors.

46. The quality of the company's employees is one of its greatest strengths.

47. The financial crisis has affected the company's ability to expand its operations.

48. The political crisis has caused uncertainty for the company's employees.

49. The company's success is due to its commitment to sustainability.

50. The financial crisis has caused many businesses to default on their loans.