


1. 道可道,非常道。

Translation: The Tao can be spoken about, but it cannot be put into words.

2. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。

Translation: The Tao does not show favor or dislike; it treats all things as its playthings; and sages do not show favor or dislike; they treat all beings as their playthings.

3. 人类恶,其所处者,且将自苦耳。

Translation: Human beings are evil; they are the ones who suffer within themselves.

4. 使我下 sunny 通过。

Translation: Let my reputation fall into a well; even if it does not get rid of me, it will still get out of me.

5. 能从于贤者,而不迁怒。

Translation: One can follow the wise and do not become angry.

6. 莫大于小国。

Translation: Nothing is greater than a small state.

7. 善行俭中。

Translation: Good deeds are like a well; they do not run dry.

8. 信言任法。

Translation: Trustful speech gives equal weight to the law.


9. 一言兴邦,一言丧邦。

Translation: A single word can be the cause of a prosperous nation, but it can also be the cause of its downfall.

10. 出生不由命,死亦非天。

Translation: birth is not determined by fate, and death is not determined by the Tao.

11. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。

Translation: The Tao does not show favor or dislike; it treats all things as its playthings; and sages do not show favor or dislike; they treat all beings as their playthings.

12. 人类恶,其所处者,且将自苦耳。

Translation: Human beings are evil; they are the ones who suffer within themselves.

13. 莫大于小国。

Translation: Nothing is greater than a small state.

14. 善行俭中。

Translation: Good deeds are like a well; they do not run dry.

15. 信言任法。

Translation: Trustful speech gives equal weight to the law.

16. 一言兴邦,一言丧邦。


Translation: A single word can be the cause of a prosperous nation, but it can also be the cause of its downfall.

17. 出生不由命,死亦非天。

Translation: birth is not determined by fate, and death is not determined by the Tao.

18. 道德经类似能量的句子

Translation: Similar energy quotes in the Tao Te Ching.

19. 将欲弱之,必不能以德服人。

Translation: If one wants to weaken another, one cannot do so with righteousness.

20. 圣人之治,始于足下。

Translation: The path of sages is from the ground up.

21. 举之队长,不德之师。

Translation: The leader of an army does not have the qualities of a virtuous teacher.

22. 常无以货得之。

Translation: There is nothing they can obtain with money.

23. 以德服人,而不使人怨。

Translation: A sagely ruler is loved and not resented by his people.

24. 其险也如此,其高如此。

Translation: The dangers are as vast as this; the heights are as high as this.


25. 人之视丧其自由。

Translation: Man's view loses its freedom.

26. 莫知有上,莫知有下。

Translation: There is no top or bottom.

27. 谓物象之谓。

Translation: It is called the name of things and their characteristics.

28. 谷神不死,是谓玄牝。

Translation: The谷神不死亡, it is called the profound nourishing one.

29. 善之者犹自爱。

Translation: Good people are still themselves their own good.

30. 知足以知其不足。

Translation: Contentment brings awareness of one's own limitations.

31. 其充耗者,不可追已。

Translation: What is filled and used up cannot be retrieved.

32. 信之无上,莫之有下。

Translation: Trustful speech has no higher or lower bounds.

33. 其始也简,及其至矣。

Translation: His beginning is simple, but in its depth it is profound.

34. 及其弃之,不可用也,也不要取也。

Translation: When it has been abandoned, it can't be retrieved, and it can't be taken.

35. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。

Translation: The Tao does not show favor or dislike; it treats all things as its playthings; and sages do not show favor or dislike; they treat all beings as their playthings.

36. 能从于贤者,而不迁怒。

Translation: One can follow the wise and do not become angry.

37. 莫大于小国。

Translation: Nothing is greater than a small state.

38. 善行俭中。

Translation: Good deeds are like a well; they do not run dry.


39. 信言任法。

Translation: Trustful speech gives equal weight to the law.

40. 一言兴邦,一言丧邦。

Translation: A single word can be the cause of a prosperous nation, but it can also be the cause of its downfall.

41. 出生不由命,死亦非天。


Translation: birth is not determined by fate, and death is not determined by the Tao.

42. 道德经类似能量的句子

Translation: Similar energy quotes in the Tao Te Ching.

43. 谷神不死,是谓玄牝。

Translation: The谷神不死亡, it is called the profound nourishing one.

44. 善之者犹自爱。

Translation: Good people are still themselves their own good.

45. 知足以知其不足。

Translation: Contentment brings awareness of one's own limitations.

46. 莫知有上,莫知有下。

Translation: There is no top or bottom.

47. 及其弃之,不可用也,也不要取也。

Translation: When it has been abandoned, it can't be retrieved, and it can't be taken.

48. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;圣人不仁,以百姓为刍狗。

Translation: The Tao does not show favor or dislike; it treats all things as its playthings; and sages do not show favor or dislike; they treat all beings as their playthings.

49. 能从于贤者,而不迁怒。

Translation: One can follow the wise and do not become angry.

50. 道德经类似能量的句子

Translation: Similar energy quotes in the Tao Te Ching.